My internet at home is down which has put a real hamper on my productivity. Can't post my LOAD pages. Can't finish and post my podcast. Can't check e-mail. Can't read the CSI message board at Ravelry.
So I sneak out to Starbucks every so often to check on my email and check what is going on in the world. If you don't have cable TV (like we don't) and if you don't answer the phone (like I don't) then you are pretty much cut off from the world without your high-speed internet access!
So it's true, the podcast is delayed. In the meantime, though, we're going to play tag. (No, not the tag that I still need to post all the layouts for -- bad Dobbie!) but this tag from Stephanie.
What are you doing RIGHT NOW?
I am at Starbucks.
I am checking e-mail.
I just finished a Kashi GoLean bar (not as good as my ProMax, but it has almost 100 fewer calories so I'm switching it out every now and then to reap the svelte benefits).
Not too exciting. But ah, that is life.
Now, my turn to tag:
& Jennifer Mattix because I haven't heard from her in a while and wonder if she's still out there! ;)