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April 09, 2009


Kathy F

Lain- I will have to go to KI's site and I will say that Lain sent me! :) LOL...still can't wait for LOAD! :)


Ack, you enabler you! I've been doing digi, hybrid or paper, whatever fits the layout, and I didn't need to know about KI - especially the monogram stamps. Now if they would just come out with digi versions of their *really* early collections, I'd be set. I'm hoarding quite a bit of collections ii-iv and matching orange peel for simple masculine layouts.


What's funny is that I JUST started, echem, REstarted Renee Pearson's book... a year later... and I happened to notice that there is a new, updated edition. Too bad for me... after all I went through to get the one I have, I'm going to push through. ;) THEN I can go rampage KI's digi site.... tee hee.
BTW, I noticed your new squiggly thing on your sidebar for May's Load. How can I get the code to put it on my blog? Thanks L!


wait da second! I thought you would never go digi? am i imagining things or did you once say this? LOL ;0)


OMG KI goes digi! Love it, thanks!

Rebecca Foxworth

I'm a techno-geek. I am NOT a Creative Memories consultant. But after four years (FOUR YEARS!) of trying to use PSE with it's "easy learning curve" I finally decided I was a PSE dunce and bought Storybook Creator from Creative Memories. It uses English (like "shapes" instead of "clipping mask"). I highly recommend you get yourself a copy if you are still struggling with the details of PSE as I was.

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