Despite recent bad news, LOAD is trucking on... with a few changes.
For those of you not familiar with what I'm talking about, last January I led over 3000 people through a Layout-A-Day (LOAD) Challenge. My plan was to have LOAD hosted by Simple Scrapbooks, but that idea is now kaput. Never fear! The scrapbookers soldier on...
What I have to present to you is the New, Improved LOAD! Read on for more details...
I am challenging you to create a layout a day, each day during the month of February. For you math whizzes out there, you realize immediately that I'm talking 28 layouts in 28 days. Yes, it can be done!
In response to some feedback from participants last year, here's how things are going to run:
-You will create 28 layouts in 28 days -- one a day.
-Every day you will receive an email from me with a suggested topic or challenge for your page.. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FOLLOW THESE SUGGESTIONS!
-You will post your layouts to a private group Flickr site.
-If your heart so desires and you are feeling a little lonely, you can chat it up on our Flickr group page.
-At the end of the 28 days, everyone who has completed a page a day for the entire month will be eligible for a Grand Prize drawing of goodies and fun (including a copy of Snippets and a Zutter Bind-it-all!) worth over $150.
-Because I do not have a backend host for this and have to handle all administration myself, participation in the 2009 LOAD will cost $6, payable in cash, check, PayPal, or cashmere yarn.
It's really simple! Don't try to complicate this too much... but I know you already have questions, so read on...
FAQ #1. Why are you charging a participation fee this year?
Answer: For several reasons. Last year, we had a large percentage of people sign up who were not really committed to completing the challenge. I believe by asking for a small monetary commitment, we'll weed out a lot of folks who weren't really into it. Also, because I have to handle all the backend administration myself (no webmaster or pre-existing gallery to use), the time commitment from me is going to be much higher.
FAQ #2. Where does the money go?
Answer: $1 from each registration will go to Books for Kids, a foundation I strongly believe in. The rest will go to fund a small guerrilla band of raccoons on the banks of the Russian River. Just kidding.
FAQ #3. Why aren't you doing daily prizes this year?
Answer: The administration was HUGE for daily prizes, and I am trying to simplify LOAD and my life. Also, the daily prizes are cost-prohibitive now that I do not have a job.
FAQ #4. What's with the daily email?
Answer: Last year I received suggestions from several people that they would like a daily challenge. It's an easy thing to add, so I'm doing it!
FAQ #5. What if I don't want to do the daily challenge?
Answer: You don't have to! You can scrapbook about anything you want -- the daily challenge, your dog, your kids, your wedding album, your bunions -- it's entirely up to you!
FAQ #6: What if I miss a day? Can I "catch up?"
Answer: For the purposes of this challenge, we are creating a layout a day. That means there is no "catching up" or "banking." However, for your personal satisfaction, if you want to stay up all night on February 27 and complete the 12 layouts you missed, you have my blessing. But to be eligible for the Grand Prize Drawing, I need to see a layout a day in the Flickr gallery.
FAQ #7: What about cards, altered items, ATCs, etc.? Do they count as layouts?
Answer: Nope. A layout is a layout. If you want to participate with cards, or some other form of paper art, you are welcome to -- but again, you will not be eligible for the Grand Prize Drawing.
FAQ #8: Can I upload layouts I've already created?
Answer: (Seriously, I got this question last year...). Nope. Pages must be created during the month of February.
FAQ #9: What if my washer explodes, we're hit by a hurricane, the power goes out, I get sick, I decide to go to Tahiti, etc.?
Answer: Then you will have my sympathy, compassion, or envy, depending on your circumstances. But again, to be eligible for the Grand Prize Drawing, you have to upload a page a day for the entire month (have I said that enough yet?).
FAQ #10: I don't have a Flickr account. How do I get one?
Answer: You pop on over to Flickr and sign up! It's free and extremely easy.
FAQ #11: How will you decide who wins the Grand Prize?
Answer: At the end of the month, everyone who has uploaded a page each day during the month will be entered in a drawing. Then I will pick my favorite person. Haha! Just kidding. It will be random. Entirely random. Really, really random.
FAQ #12: I'm in a different time zone. Can I still play?
Answer: I hope you will! The daily challenges may go out a bit late for you, but you can work ahead or backwards on those as you desire. And when I look at daily uploads, I'll be going by 12 midnight California time. So that should cover everyone except you Hawaiians out there. If you're playing and you're in Hawaii, let me know and I'll adjust accordingly.
FAQ #13: What do I get for my $6?
Answer: You get:
-A daily email with encouragement and layout ideas from me.
-Access to our private Flickr gallery and message board.
-A blog button to download to your site so everyone knows you're a star
-An extra audio podcast (and maybe a video, too!) from me
-The chance to win a Grand Prize package valued at over $150 (including a copy of Snippets and the Zutter Bind-It-All).
FAQ #14: I'm a digi (hybrid, organic, paper, recycled) scrapper. Can I participate?
Answer: Yes! All scrappers (with the exception of Paris Hilton) are welcome! And I may even let her join in if she pays her $6.
FAQ #15: I'm in! How do I pay?
Answer: You can Paypal me at lainehmann <at> comcast <dot> net., or contact me for my mailing address. Can't wait to have you join in!
Okay, are you ready to play? All you need to do is send me an email letting me know you're in. As soon as I receive your payment of $6, I'll add you to our mailing list, and come Feb. 1, you'll be good to go!
SPECIAL OFFER: If you register and pay by January 25, your registration price will be only $5.
Let the games begin!
Big breath - I'm in!!! I was so worried this wouldn't happen; loved the post title!
Posted by: Monica | January 19, 2009 at 12:09 PM
Thinking about it - it really sounds interesting! My question is, can digiscrappers participate?
Posted by: Juliana | January 19, 2009 at 12:24 PM
So excited about this - I loved when you did LOAD for BPS. I'll be away for a few days in February, but plan on participating on the days I'm home.
Posted by: Laura T. | January 19, 2009 at 01:01 PM
I'm totally in! How do we pay you?
Posted by: Sherrie | January 19, 2009 at 01:11 PM
I'm so glad LOAD will go on! And I must be psychic or something, because I just joined Flickr on the weekend. Perfect!
(Were you serious about the yarn? Because I live almost beside the Briggs and Little Outlet store. Ok, I'll send a cheque, but holla if you need anything!)
Posted by: canadacole | January 19, 2009 at 02:27 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank You! I am so in :)
Posted by: Marie | January 19, 2009 at 03:44 PM
OMG if Paris HIlton emails you I will pee my pants!
Posted by: sue Treiber | January 19, 2009 at 04:22 PM
I did a quick search for a ScrapHappy group on Flickr and found Scrap Socks instead.
Thought this was so funny since Lain knits socks :)
Posted by: Marie | January 19, 2009 at 04:48 PM
Oh, Good! This was one of the (MANY) things I was going to miss about Simple. Thanks for making the effort to do this on your own. Love ya, Lain!
Posted by: Jessica C | January 19, 2009 at 05:56 PM
Oh, I do so love a challenge ... Count me in. :-)
Posted by: Holly A. Moss | January 19, 2009 at 06:14 PM