Ask, and thou shalt receive... so here is a Halloween project to get your candy juices flowing.
A little door hanger that will take 30 minutes and a few cute Halloween goodies.
Step One. Tear a flap off a cardboard box that has been sitting in your upstairs hallway for about six weeks. (Mine measures approximately 14x6").
Step Two. Because this is a "spooky" sign, distress the carboard by tearing off the top layer and ripping the board.
Step Three. Add themed paper to the middle of the sign. Tear edges to add to the "spooky" look (are you scared yet?). Mine comes from Little Yellow Bicycle.
Step Four. Paint the edges of the sign with black paint (mine comes from Making Memories -- follow the link to purchase from Amazon).
Step Five. Embellish using Halloween die-cuts from K&Company and chipboard letters. I used foam squares to pop up some of the die-cuts (I find myself using a ton of these lately).
Step Six. Keep embellishing with acetate stars and other K&Co. goodies.
Punch two holes at the top using your Crop-a-dile (if you don't have one yet, just break down and get it already, will ya? You will wonder how you ever scrapped without it, I promise). Add Halloween ribbon
(the kind I used from MM is not available, but the link will take you to something related at Amazon).
Shiver when you look at your "spooky" sign!
Step Seven. Hang it on the door. Giggle when the "r" falls off and you realize you are advertising "ticks and treats." Find the "r." Reattach using additional adhesive. Check every half hour for additional fallage, re-adhering each time. Laugh yourself silly when the "r" in "treats" falls off -- wonder if the neighbors will think you are a nursing mother or running a dairy farm if you do not replace the missing letter.
Add it back on to keep from scaring anyone too badly.
Just like in the commercials-Brilliant!
Posted by: BethW | September 15, 2008 at 10:57 AM
So very cute! Thanks for sharing. I just got rid of a bunch of boxes, but little miss needs more diapers. Guess what I'll be doing with part of the Huggies box?
Posted by: JenMc | September 15, 2008 at 11:43 AM
OMGoodness! I just made the mistake of reading this while at work. LOL!!!!!!!! Treats - r = HILARIOUS! I can't even go there. I have to go get my mind out of the comedy gutter. LOL!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: jodie | September 15, 2008 at 11:56 AM
You CRACK ME UP! What a cool idea!! I will have to stop making Christmas Cards and throw a couple of these together. Too cute!
Posted by: Lisa | September 15, 2008 at 12:25 PM
Oh, I love it!! Great idea with the cardboard...I'm gonna make one too. XOOXO
Posted by: MamaSheg | September 15, 2008 at 01:24 PM
ok, you mentioned candy and I thought there would be some in the hangar! You could adhere the sides and fill it with treats. Or ticks and teats! You are so funny :)
Posted by: sue Treiber | September 15, 2008 at 01:33 PM
Way too cute! I love Halloween! Miss Niki
Posted by: Miss Niki | September 15, 2008 at 01:38 PM
Posted by: Katie Scott | September 15, 2008 at 01:39 PM
I don't usually do this kind of thing but OMG I LOVE IT!!!! I have a box of diapers right here....
Thanks Lain!
Posted by: Abbie | September 15, 2008 at 02:32 PM
Just love this idea. And simple enough that even I could make it. Thanks so much for sharing.
Posted by: libby | September 15, 2008 at 04:49 PM