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September 15, 2008



Just like in the commercials-Brilliant!


So very cute! Thanks for sharing. I just got rid of a bunch of boxes, but little miss needs more diapers. Guess what I'll be doing with part of the Huggies box?


OMGoodness! I just made the mistake of reading this while at work. LOL!!!!!!!! Treats - r = HILARIOUS! I can't even go there. I have to go get my mind out of the comedy gutter. LOL!!!!!!!!!


You CRACK ME UP! What a cool idea!! I will have to stop making Christmas Cards and throw a couple of these together. Too cute!


Oh, I love it!! Great idea with the cardboard...I'm gonna make one too. XOOXO

sue Treiber

ok, you mentioned candy and I thought there would be some in the hangar! You could adhere the sides and fill it with treats. Or ticks and teats! You are so funny :)

Miss Niki

Way too cute! I love Halloween! Miss Niki

Katie Scott



I don't usually do this kind of thing but OMG I LOVE IT!!!! I have a box of diapers right here....
Thanks Lain!


Just love this idea. And simple enough that even I could make it. Thanks so much for sharing.


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