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« A Girl's Gotta Do... | Main | We made it! »

August 01, 2008



Hi Lain! Hope I went to the right spot it took me to CK Scrapbook online community! I signed up! username: katg1006; I love mini albums! I just started to do them and they make the cutest gifts!


I'm already registered, even though I haven't really explored yet - bcre8uv is my user name. :)



Hi Lain. I signed up to my username is scrapmum4. I have been looking at this mag for so long it needs to come home to my house. Thanks :)


apparently I am already registered, under ca longhorn. But I can't figure out the gallery thing. It keeps sending me to a page that says "Fatal Error". I have my current gallery on the old Simple site, is that going to stay around or am I going to have to reload to the new site? Any help you can give me on this would be great Lain! Or if any of your other readers have insight, that would be awesome too!


Hi Lain, I'm signed up as "majic". Here's hoping all the bugs are ironed out soon - it'll be a great site!


I just registered under the name mlindsay, I'd love to win a copy.

Kimberly S.


I love the new website. I signed up a while ago so I could mark the layouts that are my favorites. My user name is: freckles8304.



Hiya Lain, I'm registered as "SarahJ". I'd love to to win copy- but if its too expensive to post to U.K. ignore this!


my username is amymarie78.. is it okay if I already had an account?


My user name is meghawk. I would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity!


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