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July 03, 2008



I have that copy of Scrapbook Trends right here on my desk, ready to scraplift a couple of the layouts in it! The "nursery" layout is by Celeste Smith, according to the credits. VERY cute page of Callie! You have inspired me to get scrapping today ;-))Thanks Lain!


Holy cow!!!! How cool is that!!! Thanks, Lain!


how funny is that? turns out you've even met me in person. :) one of my favorite layouts of myself. that photo was a shock when I found it in the pile of photos I have from my childhood. I have no idea who took it or why - my mother would know, but no way to ask her. I'm going to have to ask my father.


LOVE LOVE to scraplift (when i actually get around to creating!) It just helps to get me started, and sometimes it does end up sort of the same (like yours) or takes on a life of its own. I have so many ideas that i want to do- i'm not sure where to even I thought maybe what i'll do is, just pick 1 design for each layout ( i tear out pages from a mag or dog ear them)- and go onto the next. Hmmm, you'd think I would have alot done by now... (if i would just quit MOVING all the time, that would help!! lol) Thanks for this post today Lain! I think i'm going to go get my scrappin mojo on! :) ps- on celeste's lo, is that paper or fabric? Do you know where I can get the info of the products used?


Heck! I got so excited, I forgot to answer your questions. lol

I probably scraplift almost as much as I come up with my own designs. And, I guess there are many things behind that.

First, how can you not be inspired by all the great work out there?! And if not inspired, certainly influenced - after all, none of us live in a bubble.

I think it's a great way to reach out of your comfort zone and try new techniques, colors, compositions, and materials. Lifting helps you to build and expand your own style, for me, it's part of the growth process.

And, yes, it helps to kick your own creative juices in when you are in a slump. It's part of the discipline of art.

Rules? I always, always credit the person I lift. I try my best to link to the inspiration. And, when possible, I let the artist know what I've done.

Necessary "evil" -- I think not!


Lacey, the layout was in the September 2007 issue of ST. Here is the materials list that appeared with the layout; Cardstock: Bazzill Basics, Patterned paper: Daisy D's, Fibers: DMC floss, Paint: Heidi Swapp, Buttons: American Crafts, Buttons Galore and More, Stickers: Daisy D's (tag), Making Memories (alphabet), Pen: American Crafts. Hope that helps!

Michelle (from KY)

Congratulations Bec and Lisa. Great Layouts! It makes me want to take my camera and take some pictures of my favorite coffee shop and restaurant. Thanks for the inspiration~~


Love both the original and yours! I'm actually kind of scraplifting impaired. I take bits and pieces of inspiration and incorporate them, but I have a hard time copying a layout exactly even when I try. It always winds up changing along the way.



Oh, I am soooo excited. Lisa and I had great fun doing this. I just loved that LO so much and of course, I love Starbucks!

As to scraplifting, a good friend of mine likened it to when she started sewing. She did everything right down to the tiniest detail according to the pattern. As her skills increased, she started making alterations, combining patterns to come closer to a more designer look. As her skills increased, along with some formal instruction, she become a master seamstress.

I have had horrible block, great self doubt and all that perfectionism stuff many of us experience. This really helped me get back into making pages and other art stuff I love doing. Lately, I just seemed to stare at all my supplies and get no where.

Thanks for the boost and a big thanks to my best bud Lisa :).


I am a scraplifter of elements... I like to take an idea or two and use them on my pages. I am one of those people with an inability to follow a pattern (as in sewing and quilting) and I definitely see that come into my scrap life. Even if I wanted to lift a complete LO, I can't seem to do it without changing something LOL :) Love your blog, Lain!

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