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« A HUGE Whoop-dee-doo! | Main | A Girl's Gotta Do... »

July 31, 2008



I emailed my address :).


How cool has this been?! A BIG WTG to everyone, and best of luck the boys - I truly hope they have the time of their lives!

Now Lain. I am disappointed. You are not perfectly organized, packed, and ready to go?! LOL


That's awesome that you raised $1000. I hope the boys have a great time!


wooohooo! after i get over my jealousy of the winner, i'll be really happy for her. LOL! i'm sooo excited that you raised so much! now for the fun part...waiting for my package! :) thanks and have a wonderful trip! :)

katie scott

can't wait to see you in florida! email me w/ when would be a good time / place to meet up or give me a call :)


Oh my goodness! Thank you so much Callie for picking my name!!! Give her a HUGE hug from me, Lain! I am doing a big happy dance right now ;-) You made my day!! My kids are laughing at their silly Mom dancing around the office ;-))


My favourite part was the dancing.

Well, no, my favourite part is that enough money was raised and the boys get to go!

But a very close second is the dancing. :)

Congrats to all the winners!

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