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June 16, 2008


katie scott

that is so cute :)

got to try that spray adhesive :)


Wow!~ I have seen four of these books today (must google reader the right gals, huh?) and have loved every single one. Having them all released on the same day just makes it even more clear that these are VERSATILE.

Great job!

sue Treiber

super cool. I suppose I need to hunt one of those down!


I totally love this project. It really makes me want to break out a board book and go to town.


OOOOOO . . . AHHHHHH. Absolutely, totally COOL! I love your album and *sigh* it looks like I'll be adding yet another item to my wish list. ;) Thanks so much for sharing!


Is this not the coolest album-I can't wait to get one. You did this during practice-you de man!


That is a totally adorable album and I love that you made it at practice! You rock!
Somehow I had not heard of Piggy Tales before now (or don't remember). I'll definitely be on the lookout for them from now on!


Way cute!

Laura T.

Love the album --- I'm going to have to get my hands on some of those albums --- too cute!

Christine Jensen

I just saw these somewhere on a blog or something..not sure where and I thought the concept was wonderful! I love that you can use embellies and still close the book! Amazing job on this one!

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