Five days already - can you believe it? For the non-baseball fans (and I know there are a few) you are probably breathing a sigh of relief, knowing that these updates will soon come to an end. For the rest of you, here's the latest on the Monarchs...
We're ranked #15!!!
That might not sound like that big a deal... but trust me when I say it's a gol-durn-diggety big deal. We came here with few other teams (or "organizations," as those up on the lingo like to say) knowing who we were. I think it is safe to say that now we're starting to generate a little buzz.
The other coolio thing (as we California girls might say) is that out of the 97 teams competing, the higher you're ranked, the better chance you have of making it to a Thursday play-off game. And stayin' alive is the theme song.
We played two fairly easy games today. I won't go into too much detail other than to share some photos... My favorite:
Callie has taken to calling Ben her "bunny" which is simply too cute for words.
And this is for you, Kristina. It's not the best picture in the world, but between the rain and the fence and the scorebook, it's the best action shot I got. I think I need to work on my multi-tasking skills!
And what about this one for the Bellos...your little boy is so darned cute! (don't tell him I called him "little.") Thank you for sharing him with us!:
This afternoon we were able (ordered) to take our kids until 9:30 so the coaches could have an evening kid-free. You'd think they'd go somewhere swanky, but I have photographic proof they were eating corn dogs (at least it looks like a corn dog -- either that or a swamp rat on a stick, a la Shrek. Once I figure out how to get the photos off my iPhone, I'll show you and we'll figure it out for sure).
Actually, I have to admit that our coaches are starting to bear more than a passing resemblance to everyone's favorite ogre. Spending 120 hours with a dozen 10-year-olds will do that, I suppose. Or then again, maybe it's just the odor.
We play our last (!!!) regular pool play game tomorrow morning at 8 (which means I should be in bed right now). If we hold steady, we should be in good shape for the play-offs. Keep your fingers crossed for NO RAIN and fast bats!
ETA: Here's the pic, folks. You tell me... corn dog? Swamp rat? Other?
ha ha swamp rat!
sounds delicious!
Posted by: sue Treiber | June 18, 2008 at 11:38 AM
Ok im trying to figure out why i was not in Cooperstown meeting you! I know that storm was awful huh? We got lots of hail here (about 2 hours from there) Enjoy
Posted by: kimmie | June 18, 2008 at 09:12 PM