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May 15, 2008


debra barker

just starting to listen now, as I work...excited to hear Layle, she is teaching a class at the memory-works retreat in Utah next month that Maggie & I are going to.

sue Treiber

I totally agree-If I had to give up all but one pp line, it would be Scenic Route. Love them! Off to listen...

katie scott

hey lain!

1. why don't you just do a photo album scrapbook w/ all those baseball pictures?

2. i'll be in maine this summer / i'll let you know if i make it to boston too (i used to leave near & in boston)

3. i remember there is a little scrapbooking book which was kind of like the book you are describing / you might want to check it out SCRAPS: ADVENTURES IN SCRAPBOOKING (Hardcover)by Wendy Bagley / i read it & it was cute but I'm sure yours will be totally better :)

Amy Nabors

enjoyed the interview. i love scenic route!

Kari Allen

I also totally love Scenic Route. I keep going back to their product over and over again. Loved the podcast this week. Thanks, Lain!


fun! I love SR, too-

katie scott

loved the scenic route interview & i say scenic root :)


fun! I love SR, too-

Julie Johnson

Great interview- awesome line!


Another fun interview...thanks!

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