I got tagged twice in the last week for the same bloggity-blog thingy... the seven random facts one. Does that mean I need to write FOURTEEN random facts and tag fourteen people?? Hmmm... let me see what I can come up with that you don't already know about me:
1. I attempt to do the New York Times crossword puzzle every Sunday. In pen. If I can do it, I take it as an omen that the week ahead will be a good one. (By the way, why is it that there is an ad for calling in to a 1-900 number to get any three answers to the crossword at $1.49 per minute, when the entire puzzle's solution is posted a few pages earlier in the newspaper??? I think it is a stupidity tax).
2. I once worked shining boots at a country and western bar in Boston. EASY money. Men love their boots and love having girls shine them.
3. I hate cooked red peppers -- the bell kind, not the hot kind. I cannot stand even the thought of them, and if they are in a food I will not eat it (which is bad because virtually every Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers frozen meal adds them)
4. Hugh Jackman. Need I say more??
5. Paper, not plastic.
6. I automatically spell-check every written item I view. I have been known to whip out a pen and make changes to a restaurant menu or sign. Obviously an illness.
7. I don't really like talking on the phone. I much prefer e-mail.
Okay... now, I tag:
1. Roxann, the cute girl I met in the elevator in Portland
2. Kara, who makes the coolio scarves
3. Kristie, my knittin' friend
4. Elizabeth, whom I will be rooming with again in Mesa next month -- yippee! I see some good Mexican food in our future!
5. Tamara, whom I'm trying to convince to move to NorCal
6. Angie, who lives on a ranch and is a pharmacist and a mom and a scrapbooker and a business owner and and and and....
7. Etta, whom I've been neglecting lately but whom I talk to in my brain all the time. :)
Lain, Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the CKC Portland class I took from you. My "Playful Pages" are the ones I like the best from all the classes I took. Hope to see you back next year, or maybe in Bellevue if I am lucky!!
Posted by: Carla Prock | March 04, 2008 at 02:04 AM
What the heck is that about putting red peppers in diet food. seriously? I HATE them too! I pick them out. I don't get it. lol How was PDX? Hey, where in Ncali do you live? I'm over in McKinleyville/Eureka.
Posted by: lacey | March 04, 2008 at 02:49 AM
I'm actually allergic to peppers. It makes it next to impossible to purchase packaged foods, or even to dine out. It's probably better for me healthwise though, right?
Also, I admire you for #1 (I'm a crossword chicken), join you for #s 5-7 and thank you sincerely for the HJ photo :)
Posted by: Nicole (canadacole) | March 04, 2008 at 08:40 AM
Wow, I am a "Paper" not plastic gal!! Cool!
Posted by: Angie S | March 04, 2008 at 09:31 AM
If only I could perfect my mental telepathy skills... :)
You know, I stunk at tag in elementary school. I always got caught because I would have an asthma attack halfway through the chase...then I never could catch anyone because, ya know, I couldn't breathe. This kind of tag is much more my style. Hey, there's my first random thing!
Posted by: Etta | March 04, 2008 at 10:40 AM
I love the boot shining fact. So random!
Posted by: sue Treiber | March 04, 2008 at 01:15 PM
I feel the same way about green peppers, but I'm fine with red. I'll trade ya.
Posted by: bcre8uv | March 04, 2008 at 01:29 PM
Lain, your blog is really fun to visit. BTW, I was tagged today by one of your taggees. LOL. I'm thinking very hard on seven people who will actually follow through after being tagged. That's the hard part.
Posted by: kentalvin | March 04, 2008 at 02:33 PM
ohhhhhh. hugh. jackman. how dare you post a picture of my next husband without asking first. ;-P
Posted by: homedotmade | March 04, 2008 at 04:58 PM
1. I attempt to do the New York Times crossword puzzle every Sunday. In pen.
My husband insists on doing that puzzle in pen. :)
I see some good Mexican food in our future!
We do indeed have awesome Mexican food out here in Mesa. If you like spicy, I highly recommend Los Dos Molinos. Or for milder stuff, there’s Mangos. Both are fairly close to where the convention will be.
Posted by: Angela | March 04, 2008 at 07:20 PM