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March 13, 2008


Mary c

Yay! Something to listen to while I am recuperating tomorrow.


Just so you know, their rear is in gear. It is already downloading this episode. YAY!!


The random number generator hates me. :)

Great to hear you. A lot that I needed to hear. Especially the part about hoarding--I struggle with "ruining" a piece of pp for one little square on a LO. This has actually gotten easier for me, though, as my stash has grown. I now find myself more willing to cut a piece because I know there's probably something equally wonderful in my files. Now if I could just get to my files...

Great podcast again. Can't wait until next week!!


I lack the techie know how to post on the pod page. So-you should refer the Photoshop Element question person to Renee's blog. She be the man when it comes to that kind of stuff. She did a great online seminar for Adobe just before Christmas with some tips on using it.


I finally got time to listen to #40 and #41! Yay!

I love Dear Aunt Scrappy and am going to think up some great questions for her (you). You answered my big ones though. I, too, have trouble cutting into a great piece of PP. It's so pretty! What if I ruin it? I'm getting better though.


Great podcast! I love Aunt Scrappy. She is so smart and she just has all the answers. Although I have to tell you how incredibly confused I was when you said it was little league season. We still have snow on the ground here! I actually thought I was listening to the wrong podcast!

Jamie ~ Alabama

Lain - I love your podcasts. Just wondering if you have any other good podcasts that you enjoy listening too?


Jen G

that was fun! short and sweet and great to listen to. hope you can cover a few more Dear Aunt Scrappy mails in the near future.

have a lovely weekend,

Katie Scott

Hey Lain!!! So cool that you answered my questions on the podcast!!! Thank you! I'm registering for CKC Ft. Lauderdale! Can't wait to see you there! And its Friday! Yippee! :) Katie Scott

katie scott

Hey Lain - just did a page "Things that Make Me Smile" inspired by your Aunt Scrappy advice - good stuff.

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