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« Monday project up (Yes, I know it's Wednesday) | Main | When dial-up starts looking good... »

January 24, 2008



Hi Lainie! I am sure I am speaking for many of your fans when I say, we can't wait to hear all about your recent trip :) Hope your Internet gets back to normal soon...and thanks so much for the tag...I'm working right now, so there isn't nothing too fun to share on my end...but I will share a picture I took this morning on my way to work! :D


Hi Lain!

I just listened to the podcast where you reviewed "Scrapbook Play" and you got me so excited about the book that I just had to order a copy. I can't wait to get it and I hope I enjoy it as much as you have!


I hate it when the internet is down...that just bites!!! I have been listening to previous podcasts this week. I think I am up to episode 16 now. I am at work..suppose to be working and not surfing the net...shhhhhhhh! and I am sipping on a diet coke!

Mary c

You are so stinking cute, Lainie!


Done. Sorry your internet is still down. Ours has been coming and going the past few days also. Hopefully yours will be fixed soon!


HI There, I hope this lets me post to you!

I was out all day yesterday, and waited to see if you came online today, and nothing, so here I am looking for you and checking .

I am glad to read you are doing well, !
okay as well as can be expected with no must be crazy by now, but look at it this way , LOOK at all you are getting done!!!! Your house must be spotless, every book you have been waiting to read, you have now read! , hubby has gotten some quality time!, look at all the perks to no internet!!

okay , enough though, you have to come back soon. I miss you! Any estimated time on fixing the problem?

hugs and butterfly kisses from maine !


We found out Tuesday we're having ANOTHER BOY!!!! I need some pink vibes for next time!


It's a bummer your internet is down, but what a good excuse to hang out at Starbuck's..not like you need one...and you sure look cute in your winter cap!

Jennifer Mattix

I'M HERE! I'M HERE! Obviously been on a bit of a break, but it feels good to be back!!! Stop by the blog and see what I've been up to! Missed you too!

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