Ask me what material thing has changed my life more than any other, and I will tell you (NO, NOT Spanx underwear!)
Books helped me survive a sometimes difficult childhood and adolescence. Books kept me company throughout my travels from coast to coast. Books continue to inspire and motivate and educate and entertain me.
I get physically anxious if I do not have a book near at hand. I get physically calmed when I enter a library or bookstore.
I love books. (Can you tell?)
But what if you didn't have a book? Not even one? What if -- and this is worse -- you didn't know how to read? Didn't have a library? Didn't care?????
That, my friends, is the very definition of oppression to me.
That is why I was deciding what charity to support through my scrapbooking efforts, I chose Books for Kids. I have committed to donate $1 for each participant in the LOAD Challenge (2400 so far!). And many of the participants asked how THEY can donate. So I added a badge to my blog so ya'll can donate directly. Just go over <---- there and click on through and the money will bypass my scrapbook supply-hungry hands and go directly to the Books for Kids foundation. And THEY will make sure they wave their magic wand, change that $ into books, and get them into the hand of kids who might not otherwise be able to access them. Now that is do'in right.
Awesome idea Lain --- and did I tell you how much I'm loving the LOAD challenge.
Posted by: Laura T. | January 04, 2008 at 03:24 PM
Okay, I just have to ask--I know this is SO off topic, but how does someone from California come to use the *word* "ya'll?" As in "So I added a badge to my blog so ya'll can donate directly."
Not that I mind of course, since it is a very consistent part of my Southern vocabulary. In fact it made me so proud to see it in your blog. :) I just didn't know that Californians used it. Hee, hee.
Posted by: Etta | January 05, 2008 at 09:54 AM
I think it's great that you're doing this - I can't imagine a life without books
Posted by: Gabrielle McCann | January 05, 2008 at 09:30 PM