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« Episode 32: Not the best, but there you have it. | Main | J-O-Y to the world! »

December 13, 2007



Yeah, I can relate - to the mission project! We have less than one week to go and 1/2 of the project (writing and drawing) still needs to be done. I think if we didn't have to deal with our kids' homework, it would make life SO much easier!


I can totally relate too! Hope things get easier for you! I LOVE the made the pictures look fabulous of course! Sabrina's mission project wasn't due for her until last March! I think it's cruel to have it due around the holidays!!!


wow...Thanks!! and try not to drive yourself to fruitcakeism with all the holiday craziness....time will work itself out...


Mine's up - thanks for the prompt!


Awww man!I totally missed out!


I have been out of the loop for a bit, but I will try and get this one done!


I SO know what you are talking about (the creative time part). Today we have three Christmas parties between 3 and 8 and two of the parties are on top of each other.

Yesterday, as I was making food for my husband's office party, which coincides with my middle son's school party, and thinking about all of the other things I have to do and all the packages I STILL have not mailed, I became overwhelmed with the need to scrapbook! I thought I was odd. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone!


Here's mine, Lain:

And thanks for the kick-in-the-pants push I needed to scrap SOMETHING. I've been time-challenged myself as well, lately.

linda woods

WOW!Before I even realized it is me on your pages, I thought HOW COOL!
Well,I for one am really excited about The AWFUL Mission Project. I've never been excited about the AMP before, but now I am!


here's mine Lain...thanks

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