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November 12, 2007


sockiepuppets mom

Really cute! I am always looking for new ways to tell my husband I love him, this is perfect:) Thank you!


another adorable project! one of these days I will get my act together and make all of these! ;)

Amy Castellano

another uber cute idea...thanks again!!

Mary c

Totally awesome idea. I think I will make a couple for my grandson's to put on their backpacks. For the 8 yr old it will have to be 10 or 12 or 6 reasons why you are cool or something but what a great idea.


I read your mind this time. I was milling about the $1 section of that nameless craft store and I saw the calendars. I bought a few thinking that I certainly could come up with something for them. I also thought that you have been using lots of stuff from this area, so maybe you'd have a project for them. And I was right! Can't wait to work on this (after I do my relay layout)!

Also, I bought Plain Truth this weekend and started it. Like it so far!

tammy b

i hafta tell you how much you make me giggle. oh, you're creative stuff is pretty dang cool too, but we are so much alike - again, except for the cool creative stuff - our processes, humor, and even acronyms - i totally didn't need the translation for TCSTSNBN! ok, that's all. oh, i think i'll brave the insane crowds at nameless store today and see if i can find any of these little beauts...with a bit of adjustment i can squeeze pics of my 6yo's 1st grade class in. that's another teacher gift down!


Another winning idea! Too cute. I wish we had a craft store, named or otherwise. :) (there's a coming soon sign outside of town...please, please, please). As usual, I enjoyed your instructions the most :)

Kelly Jo

Another Adorable Project!!! Now when Dec 23rd comes and I'm not prepared, I'll only have myself to blame. Better get craftin'! ;)


Super cute!!! I've been so busy that I haven't had time to check in with you lately - I finally caught up on your last 30 posts tonite!! You have been busy too!!! I love this little book. I once slaved over a cute little mason jar full of little slips of paper of why I loved my husband for V-Day one year (about 10 years ago) - has he even opened it? NOPE! But I'm thinking I could make him one of these and hide it in his school backpack for him to find:)


Funny, I had the same thoughts about those silly little calendars when I saw them. Who wants a paper one that small?? Ever heard of a Palm Pilot?...

Very cute as usual. I, too, need to get my act together and actually do one of these. My brother is coming home from Japan on Saturday...this may be what he gets with photos of the family or something...Thanks for the inspiration!

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