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November 20, 2007



I LOVE BH! My dh surprised me by ordering the latest sketch book (what a sweetie) and it is dreamy! So great!

9 books? I only have 6! I'll have to figure out which ones I missed. LOL.

Can't wait to listen Lain (download faster, faster!)

Mary c

Now I have something to do on Thanksgiving, listen to podcast. It's very hard to wait.


Hey Lain! Just checking in... Love seeing that you've found a niche for yourself in scrapbooking! Love reading / listening to your stuff. Hugs - :)

katie scott

hi lain ! i can't get in to the pod cast / i get this message: 502 Bad Gateway
katie in st. pete :)
p.s. happy turkey day!


Ditto on the 502 AND on the happy turkey day!
BTW, speaking of weather (from your last post)yesterday it was 75 degrees (!!!!), this afternoon winter officially rolled in. It's 37 degrees right now!!!! Tomorrow's HIGH is to be 38 and tomorrow morning it's - wait for it - GOING TO SNOW!!!


Lain - I really enjoyed the interview with Becky Higgins. Thank you for sharing it with us.

I hope the lasik surgery went well and that you can see the clock from across the room!

I was looking through the current issue of SS again and wanted to let you know I really enjoyed your hidden treasure article. It's so cool that you were able to get pictures from the day you met your husband.

Happy Thanksgiving!


LOL about your weather! We have just had several days of above 30 degrees celcius (86F), with a couple at 37!(98.6F)

And we are still in Springtime!

A little of your cooler weather would be rather nice!

Another great podcast - I am addicted!


Ha! It's 30 degrees Fahrenheit here, but it's been in the 20s so this seems warm...

Congrats on your LASIK! My husband had it...let's see...he did it the day we found out I was pregnant with our 2nd child, so that was about 5 1/2 years ago (a long way to get to that, but hey!).

I haven't listened to the whole interview yet, because I only listen in the car, but I'm enjoying it so far!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Finally caught up on podcasts today. Loved the another item to add to my b-day and Christmas list!

So looking forward to the LOAD challenge! I have been so busy making things for others that I have had no time to do any of my own scrapping. What a fabulous way to get a bunch done! I scarp my family pics 8x8, so getting one done a day should be do-able!

Hope the LASIK went well. I want to hear all about it!


I really enjoyed that interview. She does seem like just your average mom/scrapbooker. You know, except for the nine published books and all. ;)

I am looking forward to the LOAD challenge, though it is going to be difficult for me. And we don't get back from Disney until the 2nd, so I will have some catching up to do!

Hope your surgery went well. I've been wanting to get that for a long time--I have TERRIBLE vision (legally blind w/out lenses since 5th grade) but I'm still hoping some day it will be covered by insurance! Wishful thinking, I know.

Anyway, enjoyed the podcast, as usual. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. I don't know about you, but I'm stuffed!

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