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November 07, 2007



Yes! Yes! Yes! Count me in for the next Tag You're It Relay!
Lovin' your choice for the first bookclub. Jodi Picoult rocks! I have read this one but might need to visit the library for a second read...I always seem to get something new out of her books each time I read them.
And thanks for the new podcast Lain; I need to run some errands today. A new podcast to listen to is just what I need to get me off the computer and out the door. Yeah!


I'd love to do the tag you're it!


This was the first Jodi Picoult book I read and I loved it! Excellent choice.


I haven't listened to the podcast yet, but I'm snagging my spot for the relay right now! :)


Definetely in for the Tag You're It game...and also for the book club! :)


Snagging my spot too!!! Now off to the Podcast


You KNOW I want to do the relay! I'm in!


Ooh! Had to sneak back in the archives to see what the relay is, but I'm in!

Thanks for a new podcast! :D

Mary c

I want to do the relay! I am home alone that week so I think I have time. Yay!
Great podcast!


I want to do the relay.

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