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« The ScrapHappy Idol: Becky Higgins! | Main | Emerging from the Turkey Haze »

November 22, 2007



Very inspiring & Happy Turkey Day!


I love it! Very clean, BH-esque page. :)You should totally save that journalling idea, it's too awesome! I may even have to borrow it. :)

Enjoy your turkey and trimmings!


You rock! I love the title concept - very "Pushing Daisies", even though you probably don't watch that since you are sans TV and all. Love the scalloped photo mat, too.



Here's this week's. It's all digital, which is scary...but I had to clear out all my scrapbook stuff to have people over for Thanksgiving (I only have a desk in the corner of my living room - from IKEA - and I had to close it up to make the house look clean:).


Bummer, I'm not home:( Super cute idea, I always have 3 or 4 pictures that are the same. I'm going to try this when I get home next week.


Hi. I hope that you had a terrific turkey day. That is the cutest page. I finally got some scrapbooking supplies. I wonder how long it will take me to do something with them.


Here's mine:

You'll have to scroll down to the end of the post to see the LO. The post tells the more detailed story behind the page, with additional pictures.

Thanks for the inspiration. I love doing these, when I have 30 minutes to spare!


For some reason that link isn't working. I think it is the period I accidentally put at the end. Try this:

alexandra sirugue-mac leod

hi there i'm posting my page on the S.S Readers' Gallery hoping that it will work?!

thank you for those terrific challenges!!


alexandra s.m.

let's try this:'gallery

i hope it works?!



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