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« Episode 25: Catching Up! | Main | A Tale of Two Days »

October 15, 2007



Ok, so I am SO doing this one. Next time I am in TCSWSNBN or the other CSWSNBN I am going to look into those racks. This is really cool and won't take long at all! Love it!


Very cool! ;-D


TCSTSNBN!!! You crack me up girl!


TCSTSNBN Is that somethinglike :whisper: Voldemort??? Lain you are killing me!! Hey finally something for my Magnetic Thing-a-ma-bobs from Making Memories, you know the round things, Canisters. DUH!!!


wow love this project!! I was really laughing out loud at your story!!! oops I mean instructions. I found your blog through Amy. :-)

Janine from New Zealand.


Fabulous!! I know some people on my list who will love these!!!

Mary c

You totally crack me up!!! I especially loved your rendition of the sprinkler episode. This is the type of thing that happens to me also.
This is a great idea. I am gonna make one for my nephew. He'll love it.


So cute! Sorry for the sprinkler and floral spray mishaps, but they make for funny reading for your loyal followers!

I think I'll make these for the grandmas with pictures of the kids and their artwork on it.

Noticed my little card on the board too. How fun!

Lain, as always, you inspire me and you make me laugh. You rock. Love the countdown to Christmas projects. Thank you so much!


LOL! Thanks for those very entertaining instructions Lain! I needed that today :)

(and the project looks great too!)


Thanks for the giggle during your instructions. I needed it today. I bought that rack about 3 years ago at the Wilton tent sale. (Their HQ is about 30 minutes from me and they have a GINORMOUS sale every June.) I've never actually used it because I don't bake (some might ask why I bought it, but I know you won't) so I don't even have to go to TCSWSNBN.

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