And you know what that means. Another week closer to Christmas, and another
Now this one is a little wacky, so just hang with me here. The results will be worth it, I promise.
Because if you do what I say, you can end up with this:
Otherwise known as Christmas Countdown Project #5, The Really Neat Magnetic Memo Board.
1 wire baker's cooling rack (mine is from Wilton, and it measures approx. 14" by 20". I bought it at The Crafts Store Which Shall Not Be Named (hereinafter referred to as TCSWSNBN) using -- of course -- my 40% coupon, which made it about $8.
Spray paint in your color of choice (contrary to what you may think, "Florists Spray" that comes in a spray can and looks EXACTLY like spray paint is not, in fact, spray paint. It is for spraying silk flowers. So if you bought it by accident, just get over it and shell out another $5 for the right stuff, seeing as spray paint -- and FLORISTS SPRAY -- is not returnable to TCSWSNBN). Because I am such a rebel, I chose glossy white paint.
That's it!
1. Spray the top of the wire rack with the spray paint. Get in all the little nooks and crannies, and run like crazy when the wind shifts and threatens to spatter the paint on your new Polo sweatpants that you bought on sale at the outlet for $35.
2. Flip the rack carefully over and repeat the process on the back side. Take a moment to appreciate how well you are doing, even though you have never used spray paint before.
3. When the sprinklers go on, grab the whole kit-and-caboodle and ask yourself why God finds it necessary to use you for his personal amusement. I mean, aren't there 6.2 billion OTHER people on the planet? Ask yourself what the chances are that the sprinklers (which are set to go off at 7 AM) have suddenly gone on at 2:20 PM.
4. Give up on existential questions and instead decide that it will make a good story on your blog. Give the whole rack a good spray just to make sure you got the whole thing, then let it dry (in a safe place, away from rogue sprinklers).
5. Once dry, retreat to your tiny (but sprinkler-free) craft closet. Grab some ribbon and begin threading it through the grid.
6. I am not sure why I have two of the same pictures here, but I will go with it. Please notice how I left extra ribbon at the ends so it can be tied in the corners. Cute, huh?
7. Decorate with additional ribbons, clips, etc. and add your little doo-dads. The cool thing -- it's magnetic! Yeehaw!
I could see this as a great place to hang Christmas cards, display those cute little buttons you get and never know what to do with, tie on tags, etc. Ribbons (in a household with a mother who is more organized than I) could be swapped out and changed with the seasons. It would be a great present for a teenager. Have fun... and send me a picture!
Ok, so I am SO doing this one. Next time I am in TCSWSNBN or the other CSWSNBN I am going to look into those racks. This is really cool and won't take long at all! Love it!
Posted by: Etta | October 15, 2007 at 05:35 PM
Very cool! ;-D
Posted by: Ragan | October 15, 2007 at 06:41 PM
TCSTSNBN!!! You crack me up girl!
Posted by: mom2jnk | October 15, 2007 at 10:30 PM
TCSTSNBN Is that somethinglike :whisper: Voldemort??? Lain you are killing me!! Hey finally something for my Magnetic Thing-a-ma-bobs from Making Memories, you know the round things, Canisters. DUH!!!
Posted by: Christel | October 16, 2007 at 12:03 AM
wow love this project!! I was really laughing out loud at your story!!! oops I mean instructions. I found your blog through Amy. :-)
Janine from New Zealand.
Posted by: Janine | October 16, 2007 at 02:03 AM
Fabulous!! I know some people on my list who will love these!!!
Posted by: amymarie78 | October 16, 2007 at 07:24 AM
You totally crack me up!!! I especially loved your rendition of the sprinkler episode. This is the type of thing that happens to me also.
This is a great idea. I am gonna make one for my nephew. He'll love it.
Posted by: Mary c | October 16, 2007 at 08:36 AM
So cute! Sorry for the sprinkler and floral spray mishaps, but they make for funny reading for your loyal followers!
I think I'll make these for the grandmas with pictures of the kids and their artwork on it.
Noticed my little card on the board too. How fun!
Lain, as always, you inspire me and you make me laugh. You rock. Love the countdown to Christmas projects. Thank you so much!
Posted by: JenMc | October 16, 2007 at 10:06 AM
LOL! Thanks for those very entertaining instructions Lain! I needed that today :)
(and the project looks great too!)
Posted by: Nicole | October 16, 2007 at 10:43 AM
Thanks for the giggle during your instructions. I needed it today. I bought that rack about 3 years ago at the Wilton tent sale. (Their HQ is about 30 minutes from me and they have a GINORMOUS sale every June.) I've never actually used it because I don't bake (some might ask why I bought it, but I know you won't) so I don't even have to go to TCSWSNBN.
Posted by: Robyn | October 16, 2007 at 01:34 PM