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« Episode 26: Heeeere's Ali! | Main | Welcome to... »

October 23, 2007



AHHHHHH!!! Could you be any cuter???


This is fabulous Lain!! SOOO CUTE!!!


"Buy Mom a bottle of Jack Daniels (just kidding)."

Is it wrong that I read that and thought "she'd better be kidding, because a good single-malt scotch would be so much better!" ;)


ack! This one is my favorite so far! Who knew a mini album project could make my heart swoon!


Wait a minute! I thought I was your best friend? You mean I have to buy you TWELVE gift cards? :)

Sue in Grapevine

I'm thinking it means Michael's & that the 1st 3 letters = "the chain store"

Extremely cute project, by the way.

Mary c

First of all, I am adding 'Buy Mary a bottle of Tobin James Made in the Shade' which if you haven't had any, you are missing out. Google it and get yourself some.
This is absolutely ADORABLE.
???? Do you adhere your paper to the book when CLOSED? You said measure open but when I adhere the paper to a book that is OPEN, it STAYS OPEN. It took me a good 5 or 6 projects to realize why this was happening. Okay, I am a slow learner. Just wondering if you have some handy technique that works better.


Just when I think you can't get any cuter! I must make this! I'll be haunting the stores looking for a cute magnetic album.


Way to cute!! Another one I have to do. But instead of Jack Daniels or a single malt whiskey, let's make it interesting, I will take a bottle of Goldschlager please. If I am gonna get drunk I wanna do it with style!!!!


Another fantastic christmas project! I have loved all of the projects so far, especially the small photo album transformed into a coupon keeper - the Christmas Project #7. I have tried to find it again to get the details but it seems to have disappeared. Where did it go? Looking forward to your remaining creations. Thanks!

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