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October 23, 2007



I haven't even had a chance to listen to this week's podcast and I'm excited. I got Ali's book last week and I am LOVING it! I have heard she is a very interesting speaker and that combined with your interview style should make for great listening. One more reason to look forward to the ride home tonight!

Mary c

Thank Goodness!I was having withdrawals!


GREAT interview!


Great Interview as always Lain!!! Now back to work on some Layouts!!


Okay, finally off from work...and ready to go home to listen to the podcast which I am certain is just fabulous!


Hi Lain,

This was my first Scrap Happy podcast and I really enjoyed it. I'll be back for more. This was a great interview. Thanks!


Lain -- I listened to the podcast yesterday. I really enjoyed the book review and interview with Ali Edwards. You are right about her being unassuming and genuine. I had the opportunity to take her "Perspectives" album class in December of 2005 and she was just so cool. She's really down to Earth, fun, even goofy. She has such an important impact and place in the scrapbooking industry and you'd never know it by meeting her. She's not self-important. She's just so cool. I am adding her book to my holiday list. It's a must have! I thought your questions to her were right on -- exactly what I wanted to ask her too. Thanks so much for the podcast. I think I might listen to it again today.


I'm a little behind on the podcasts, but wanted to let you know the Ali interview ROCKED! Great questions, great perspective, really inspiring.


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