The summer has just begun, and already I'm trying to keep myself from locking myself in the bedroom with a gallon of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Heath Bar Crunch and a stack of US magazines.
My kids are driving me batty.
I have one who never stops complaining.
I have one who never removes his nose from a book so I constantly have to keep one hand on his shoulder as we walk around, lest he find himself plummeting down an uncovered manhole or wandering off into three lanes of oncoming traffic.
I have one who thinks it's her job to remind me what my name is. As in, "Mama, what are you doing, Mama? Mama, can I have some apple juicy, Mama? Mama, where are you going, Mama? Mama? Mama?" If I don't answer, she'll keep up this string of commentary until I do answer. And if I answer? She still keeps it up.
Good thing I don't have four children.
My trip to Chicago mid-month cannot come fast enough.
I love my children, I really do. But right now I would like to love them from a distance.
at my house it's one that has attitude, one with his nose in a gameboy and number three...exactly the same! Down to the "juicy"...and number 4 on the way LOL
Posted by: moki | June 29, 2007 at 05:33 PM
I only have two. And even better- German School ends not before Mid-July and starts again at the end of August. Oh, I AM SO LUCKY. Esp. since one of those two will actually be gone most of the time to spend her summer break with my parents and Grandparents. Man, I just can't tell you how LUCKY I am! Bwahahahahaha....(Sorry, I do pity you, really!)
Posted by: Ramona | June 30, 2007 at 05:43 AM
I feel your pain! And I'm loving the little whining montage...that absolutely needs to wind up on a scrapbook page.
Posted by: bcre8uv | June 30, 2007 at 01:30 PM
LOL....I am SOOOOOO with you there! Really. I often wonder that same question (about ignoring them...then try it...and know how that goes). Good thing we only have 3. :)
My mom used to say, "I am going to change my name!"
I find myself telling mine not that I will simply change my name, but that I may just run away.
Have a wonderful week Lain.
Posted by: ragan | July 02, 2007 at 02:32 PM
LOL....I am SOOOOOO with you there! Really. I often wonder that same question (about ignoring them...then try it...and know how that goes). Good thing we only have 3. :)
My mom used to say, "I am going to change my name!"
I find myself telling mine not that I will simply change my name, but that I may just run away.
Have a wonderful week Lain.
Posted by: ragan | July 02, 2007 at 02:32 PM
OK...that posted TWICE! ???
Posted by: ragan | July 02, 2007 at 02:33 PM
I know exactly how you feel, only I only have two boys. I want to pull my hair out --they make me crazy. although, today is my birthday and for some reason they are going easy on dear old mom. there may be hope yet. but i guess i will take one easy day every once in awhile. hang in there.
Posted by: Angie | July 02, 2007 at 02:43 PM
I have the non-stop talker who needs to be doing something every minute of the day and the non-stop complainer who has no idea what she wants to do but all my ideas are lame. We went to the beach today... child one ran all over, swam, ate, talked, had a great time. child two was cold in the shade, hot in the sun, didn't like the sandwiches, didn't want veggies without dip, didn't want to talk about anything, wanted to go home. We lasted an hour. It's hard to fill the days.
You know that song... "summer time, and the livin' is easy", whoever wrote that wasn't a mom.
Posted by: dawn | July 03, 2007 at 05:54 PM
You crack me up! I just love reading anything you write and I just love listening to your podcast too. You are such a doll. I'm excited for you to get a well deserved break.
Posted by: ~Kristie | July 06, 2007 at 02:55 AM
Girl, I totally hear ya!
Posted by: Yarn Thing | July 27, 2007 at 12:19 PM
Thanks so much for the big laugh! So ... a month has past since you wrote this ... still being driven crazy? I've got one chanting behind me right now. Finally I can start the back-to-school countdown!
Posted by: Nancy | August 02, 2007 at 11:34 PM