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May 18, 2007



You, my dear, are one of the coolest persons I know! And smartest. The best writer, friend, creative mind...simply better than cool. Love you tons and tons!


Dude, you are SO way cooler than me...I don't even know what the "top 1000 reviewers on Amazon" IS!!!

BUT I do know this... anything by Roald Dahl? Cool...

stephanie t.

CRAP! You mean 'James and the Giant Peach' isn't COOL??? Ok, that's one flippin' CD that's gettin' altered and stuffed in a book!

Kimberly Kwan

i vote you're cool.
cuz if you're NOT cool, then i'm SO TOTALLY not cool either.


How are you doing? haven't heard from you in a few. And BTW, i think you are ocol!
xo, t


I imagine you as so VERY cool that I can't even begin to fathom that you have typed "I wish I were cool!" Okay, so you don't watch reality TV... we could work on that. But, otherwise, you are rockin' cool... chirp up. We all love you.

Denise L.

How serendipitous! My kids are watching "James and the Giant Peach" as I write!!! You are SOOO cool in our book....

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