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March 23, 2007


susan b anderson

How could that be boring? It's wonderful. Thanks for letting me know, Lain. What a bright spot in my day.



Keep the knitting coming. did you make this for kinsey? it is adorable!! Uuber cute!


Love it! That is as precious as could be! Thanks for the links.

Holly of HollYarns

Lain! I got the wonderful package of prizes for Cyrano's Creature Comforts Drive. WOWZERS!!! BeAuTiFuL! So, so beautiful! Thank you so much! I shall post about them tomorrow. Tick tock, you rock!


I love that hat. Unfortunately I'm not brave enough to wear something like this. My son would look ridiculous in a pink hat and my 10year old daughter is outgrowing her pink age right now. So no need to show this to my mom, even though I'm sure she'd knit one for


The hat is too cute! :)


Oh man, you crack me up so much! You cannot bore or alienate me, no matter how hard you try, so there! LOVE the hat, So freakin' adorable! You should be glad I don't have a little girl, or I would be whining and whining for you to make one for me!

suzi finer

so not boring or alienating...just inspiring.

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