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March 12, 2007



I'm completely SHOCKED that I've read two books that you haven't, Wuthering Heights and The Time Travellers Wife. Your list though still proves to me that I don't read enough. Maybe I should get rid of my tv also? DH would kill me!


Wow, I'll work on my list from home tonight...I have read many, but not nearly as many as you! Wow...very cool.


Of course I still haven't worked on my list....but I will. Promise! There are at least three of your 12 must-read books that I should include in mine! I did read O'Tolle's Confederacy of Dunces....YOU WILL LOVE IT! It is funny, throughly involving, thought-provoking and simply brilliant (do I sound like a reviewer already, tee hee.) But really. It's that good. I think I'll re-read that one again! :)

Maggie May

I am such a nerd and a web lurker. Love your site. Read every book on the list but one. Youch. We were not allowed to watch TV growing up, so I read. I still mourn The Brady Bunch episodes I missed. What does having a "Marsha moment" mean?? One of my current faves is definately "The Time Traveler's Wife." A book you wish you had not read, so you could read it again.

Holly of HollYarns

You are going to love the time traveler's wife. Delish!


Time Traveler's Wife is a fabulous read. Good luck with your reading list.


Awesome list! You need to change Fall on Your Knees to must's a great book!

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