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February 16, 2007



I love clean sweep! I watch it at 1pm weekdays when feeding Sean in our den (the couch has become my new living quarters!)

And I wish I lived closer to you!


I think there is a similar show on German tv, but since I hardly have time to watch, I could be mistaken... What you write about getting rid of other people's stuff, is so true. I have hardly any bad feelings cleaning my children's rooms, but when it comes to my own belongings, I feel sooo bad kicking anything out. I hang on to many things. My friends usually refer to me as the one who can always help, with the crafty, cooking or writing skills (or baby sitting, too) and the one who will always have right at hand anything they might need, no matter I keep the strangest things because one day someone will need exactly this very item. It's a good thing we have a big house and I have my own craft room. But I started getting a little storage space cleared by tossing out the baby/toddler clothes my children have outgrown years ago. I filled 8 (!) big trash bags!!!! Just imagine how many new things I can now keep to fill the emptied shelves...

Holly of HollYarns

Oh, I hope that little bit of that book I sent you helps. I know it is helping me to think about what I really need and how to appreciate what I do have.

Thanks for the heart-day card. Everyone who saw it thought you had bought it because it looks so professional!


You have inspired me to go through my closets this weekend and do my own version of "clean Sweep." So far I've only made a bigger mess, but thank God this is a 3-day weekend. Hopefully I'll get somewhere! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you are having FUN today! :)


I LOVE helping people organize. It's so much easier for me to help others than do my own because I'm not emotionally or financially attached to someone else's clutter. Why don't you do my house & I'll do yours?


I would love to be on that show, simply because I would like them to go and clean things for me. Yeah. Just do it for me and get it over with. Heh heh.

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