I bet you have all been sitting on pins and needles, wondering how the great yarn stash smackdown is going. Well, since last we checked in with our heroine, I have knit or otherwise disposed of nine balls of yarn. Not a ton, but geez, what do you want? Eggs in your beer? (If anyone has ever heard that saying before, please explain it to me!).
I received several balls in the mail from Robyn (darn her anyway!) but I have big plans for much of my stash, so I'm not stressing it. :)
You may be wondering what all this decluttering (de-lousing, it reminds me of) has to do with art and creativity. I actually think the two are intimately related. I find myself constantly distracted by the superfluous, wishing instead to winnow down and focus on the core of what I want to do and who I am. Whether I'm cutting activities out of my schedule, or yarn from my stash, or books from my personal library, I consider it all related. It's all an attempt to make my life exactly as I want it, with just the things, activities, people, and experiences I adore.
Of course, I know life brings much we can't predict -- and much we'd prefer to keep out or avoid totally. But to the extent I can, why shouldn't I focus on what I love? In a way, I feel like I have an obligation to do so (holding on to something I don't adore could be akin to dating the guy you like but don't adore -- just keeping yourself occupied and keeping him out of circulation. Selfish!).
I'm rambling, so I'm going to bed.
But first I will also report -- four bags of papers to recycling, one garbage bag of empty boxes to recycling, and one bag of various and sundry electronic equipment to Goodwill. Ah.
Sounds like the de-clutter project IS going well!!! :) Happy New Year!
Posted by: Ragan | December 28, 2006 at 12:08 PM