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Artist Journal

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    Photos from my Artist Journal class with Shimelle.


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December 26, 2006



You are too cute.

I love your doodles. (I can't draw for the life of me!)

I also attempted to go to Walmart today - of all friggin' days! Boxing Day. What a HUGE mistake!

susan b anderson

Wow, do I need to de-clutter my house! I love your sketch of the linen closet, I wish it was as easy as the sketch makes it look. You are a clever thing to think of sketching your closet, I just close the door as fast as possible.
Keep up the good work.


I love your art journal idea! Very creative of you of course! Hope you are enjoying the day. So glad Christmas is over....maybe some good night sleep ahead, LOL.
Your handwritting is terrific!
Hope you had an awesome Christmas!!!


I usually say I'm "purging" when I declutter...though that doesn't sound particularly appealing either...a little too bulemic. :P But hey....

Love your sketch! :)


Woohooh! Love that you're keeping a visual journal and including this decluttering process. Love, too, that you have both a big and a small bag weeded out here. Good for you! (Want to come tackle our hall closet next?)

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