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October 17, 2006



Apple, apple, apple. Apple, apple, apple. Apple, apple, apple. Apple, apple, apple. Apple, apple, apple!


I still say PC....but maybe just out of habit....I dunno any more!!

Im planning to do an art show style at the studio. I want all the kids to do some art. I love kids art, it's so free of judgement. I even think some of the adults would be interested in showing. What do you think?


I'm so sorry Lainie! That's terrible! I'd go with PC, but I hear a lot of people love Apple. I did send you an e-mail last night with green light for that deal you found. :) Super happy about that.


I was reading your "song" while drinking a soda & now it's shot out of my nose on my computer monitor .. thank you very much! You are so funny & you MUST scrapbook that song with dead computer photos!

My vote is for Apple (even though I have a PC), but if you can afford it, Apple does have a computer out that runs both MAC & PC. I don't know if they have it in a laptop model though.

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