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September 08, 2006



So jealous you're going to meet the Yarn Harlot tomorrow! She's Canadian!

maria just MADE MY DAY! Thank you! You truly are so sweet and I know DD will just love it as much as I love the one you made for me :)
Have fun tomorrow! Can't wait to see you again soon! Any way you'd want to hang out at Bonfante Gardens this weekend...or next? :)


I hate that ladder yarn, also! I have only tried to crochet with it and it sucked and so I quit it. I saved the yarn because I thought knitting with it would be better...guess that I am wrong. Thanks for the heads up!


Lainie, no wonder you are a paid writer, you are so good at, well, writing! You always make me laugh. If you ever DRIVE thru Utah, please leave your knitting at home!!! LOL

BTW, I am sending you a copy of DW Color, if'n ya want one, no strings attached. I just want you to have one, just because. K? :)


I've never knitted with ladder yarn & now I'm glad I haven't!

I'm so jealous that you're seeing the Yarn Harlot. I emailed her to see when she was going to be in the southern California area, and she said no dates of yet... darnit!!

I hope you take your camera & post photos. (hint, hint)

erin Yamabe

congrats lainie!!! my hats off to you! you inspired me this week! i thought, set a goal and go for it! my goal was to take all my kits i have collected over the past 2 years, and either donate them or create! i chose the latter, thinking i need to at least attempt to create with the goodies. one week, and 2 hours a morning for 5 days, yielded over 150 cards. thanks again for the inspiration girl!



Have you received your final SP8 package?

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