...Knit like the wind!
I am burning through the projects on my to-knit list (see below). I may have to realign things a bit to put some smaller projects higher on the list. Why, you ask? Because my LYS, Knitting Arts, has chosen this weekend to start their anniversary sale! (You'd think they'd be kind enough to put it off a month or two. Geez. At least until I could get my stash down to a manageable level!)
As a result, in order to stick to my pact, I must complete six more projects before Saturday. The sale goes on until 9/9. but everyone knows the good stuff will be gone the first morning!
I'm knitting as fast as I can!
In other areas of my life (are there other areas????), I have been listening to "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac. Can someone please explain this book to me? I've heard that it is a metaphor for the taoist way of life. Ummm...okay. I guess I will need to take my Borders 30 percent off coupon and go buy a copy of the CliffsNotes (which, I hate to say, I cannot find online).
Anyone? Anyone?
PS In keeping with the destash theme, tell me where I took the title quote from (and butchered it, I know), OR give me a good explanation of OTR, and DESTASH WILL BE YOURS!