You sign up. You join. You get a daily prompt and inspiration email, and you create a layout a day. Every day. Yes, 28 layouts in 28 days. Yes, EVERY DAY!
Let’s recap:
*Create a layout a day for the entire month of February.
*Upload your creations to our private online gallery at Flickr
*Bask in the admiration of your sister scrapbookers.
*Be eligible to win fabulous prizes!
Anyone who participated in a previous LOAD challenge will tell you it is nothing short of life-changing -- in a good way! It's helped blocked scrappers get going again. It's helped bored scrappers find inspiration. And it's even helped a scrapbooker or two lose weight (seriously!).
Here's what you'll get:
-Access to our online gallery and message board at Flickr
-Daily inspiration email from me with a prompt (you don't have to use it), quotes, humor, and the occasional juicy tidbit about what's going on in the scrapping world
-a super-secret PDF download including some of my best "fast scrapping" and "use your stash" tips
-weekly tutorials from some awesome sistah scrappers
-The opportunity to win the Grand Prize (for creating and uploading a layout each day for the entire month) as well as surPRIZES along the way that I'll dole out as I see fit ;)
-Tons of fun, inspiration and laughs!
-A cute blinkie to add to your site so everyone knows how awesome you are.
-and much, much more!
The participation fee is $25 for the month... but if you sign up before 12/31, you can save $5!
I know you have questions, so read on...
FAQ #1:.Sounds incredibly awesome! How do I sign up?
Answer: Paypal me at lainehmann <at> comcast <dot> net. PLEASE SELECT "PERSONAL" WHEN SENDING ME MONEY SO WE DON'T HAVE TO PAY A PROCESSING FEE!
FAQ #2. I'm doing the Project 365 thingy. Does that count as a layout?
Answer: I'm easy. If you think it's a layout, I think it's a layout.
FAQ #3. Are there minimum size requirements for the layouts?
Answer: Let's be reasonable. 6x6, I can go with. Anything smaller... well, let's just say you might want to do TWO to count as one layout. Just my opinion.
FAQ #4. What's with the daily email?
Answer: Last year I received suggestions from several people that they would like a daily challenge. I put together a short email that serves as a daily reminder about a scrapping-related topic (usually!), plus a scrapping challenge for the day. The theme for this month is "USE YOUR STASH," so many of the challenges will be associated with that topic.
FAQ #5. What if I don't want to do the daily challenge?
Answer: What are we, in third grade? You don't want to do the challenge, don't do it! You da boss of your own scrappin', woman! Do what you want.
FAQ #6. What if I miss a day? Can I "catch up?"
Answer: For the purposes of this challenge, we are creating a layout a day. That means there is no "catching up" or "banking." However, for your personal satisfaction, if you want to stay up all night on Feb. 27 and complete the 12 layouts you missed, you have my blessing. But to be eligible for the Grand Prize Drawing, I need to see a layout a day in the gallery.
FAQ #7. What about cards, altered items, ATCs, etc.? Do they count as layouts?
Answer: Nope. A layout is a layout. If you want to participate with cards, or some other form of paper art, you are welcome to -- but again, you will not be eligible for the Grand Prize or surPRIZE Drawings.
FAQ #8. Can I upload layouts I've already created?
Answer: (Seriously, I got this question last year...). Nope. Pages must be created during the month of February.
FAQ #9. What if my washer explodes, we're hit by a hurricane, the power goes out, I get sick, I decide to go to Tahiti, etc.?
Answer: Then you will have my sympathy, compassion, or envy, depending on your circumstances. But again, to be eligible for the Grand Prize Drawing, you have to upload a page a day for the entire month (have I said that enough yet?).
FAQ #10: I don't have a Flickr account. How do I get one?
Answer: You pop on over to Flickr and sign up! It's free and extremely easy.
FAQ #11. How will you decide who wins the Grand Prize?
Answer: At the end of the month, everyone who has uploaded a page each day during the month will be entered in a drawing. Then I will pick my favorite person. Haha! Just kidding! It will be random. Very random. Really, really random.
FAQ #12: I'm in a different time zone. Can I still play?
Answer: I hope you will! The daily challenges may go out a bit late (or early!) for you, but you can work ahead or backwards on those as you desire. And when I look at daily uploads, I'll be going by 12 midnight California time. So that should cover everyone except you Hawaiians out there. If you're playing and you're in Hawaii, let me know and I'll adjust accordingly. In the past, we've had participants from China, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the UK.
FAQ #13. I'm a digi (hybrid, organic, paper, recycled) scrapper. Can I participate?
Answer: Yes! All scrappers (with the exception of Paris Hilton) are welcome! And I may even let her play if she pays her $ and promises not to upload any naughty pictures.
FAQ #14. Will there be pictures of Hugh?
Answer: Of course! And to get you off on the right foot...
FAQ #15. I'm a manufacturer, kit club owner, store owner, etc., and I'd like to donate a prize. Are you interested?
Answer: Um, YES! :) Email me at lainehmann (at) comcast (dot) net for my undying love and admiration.
Are you ready? I'm taking signups starting NOW. See FAQ#1 above for more info on payment.
For less than $1 a day, you too can have the perfect excuse for why you can't do the laundry/drive carpool/make dinner!
...and remember, the $5 offer is only good until the clock strikes midnight on 12/31!