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    I use all the ones mentioned above. Actually, I bought the Ella book but haven't even read it yet- how terribly is that?!?!? :)

    I also like Got Sketch by Valerie Salmon- She does free sketches on her blog and also paid classes.

    Allison Davis is another great sketch artist- She posts a few sketches on her blog and also self-publishes sketch books through her Mom's scrapbook store. I have all 5 volumes and LOVE them!

    I am a huge fan of Pencil Lines!

    I've also become a fan of Creative Scrappers ( and Sketchy Thursdays (

    Thank goodness for sketches, and scraplifting!

    I added the Card Positioning blog to my list. I love page maps and sketches. Without them, I'd be stalled most of the time scrapping.

    I am also a fan of Pencil Lines and Got Sketch...Becky's sketches are the first sketch site I found when I started seriously scrapbooking again in 2007. She is wonderful and my #1 fav.

    there's a new sketch every Friday at Get It Scrapped:

    I really love Becky Higgins sketches, especially the more linear ones! I also enjoy Allison Davis's designs (as suggested by Melissa S), and can't get enough of the Get It Scrapped sketches (as suggested by PaulaSG). And I purchased the Ella e-book "Stretch Your Sketches", which I consider a great investment.

    Another source that I really love is Amy Alvis's "4x6 Photo Sketch" blog because all her sketches are designed for UNcropped 4x6 photos. Brilliant!

    I love PageMaps and look forward to the beginning of each month. Ella also had some great sketches. I will check out the other sites. Thank you.

    I don't use sketches too often---They usually don't give the page size and/or the photos sizes---too much time spent on figuring that info out.

    I've been a Pencil Lines fan since they were in their teens (sketch-wise). I do love to use sketches. And considering it takes me FOREVER to finish a single page I'm not sure I could do it without sketches... whether they're mine or someone elses. I'll definitely be checking out the others you've linked :o)

    I love Pencillines and Pagemaps. basic Grey usually has a sketch in their monthly newsletter.

    You are famous!!! After all you did write a book!!!! (and it sits right here on my desk where I can see it all the time.) I have never used a sketch. They seem too hard to follow. I'd rather look at finished pages and go from there!!

    2 newer ones I've been having fun with are Inspired Blueprints and Get It Scrapped (they have great classes too!) I'm not affiliated with either one I just really enjoy them!

    I love Pencil Lines... but I am a little bias! ;) I'm on the design team. ;)

    I needed these!! Esp. the card one since I am all for using up my scraps for cards rather than shilling out $3.00 at Hallmark.

    Okay, I clicked over to the Pencil Lines site, and I have to say, I don't really get it. I mean, the pages are very pretty, but to me, anyway, the pictures are lost amidst all the tasteful page decor and embellishment. I predict I will have the clunkiest, most photo-laden pages in the May LOAD.

    Thanks for sharing these. It was fun to check them out and see some other ideas besides what I've created. I only have 150 templates I've created and I haven't even used all of them to do a layout yet...maybe I better quit doing templates and do pages. It's a thought anyway!! hehehe

    PageMaps is one of my faves for inspiration. Plus, I just started a FREE weekly scrapbook sketch offering called Sketch Whimsy on my blog. I'll post two 12x12 scrapbook page sketches each week. Feel free to stop by and play along:

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