I'm a relative newbie when it comes to digital scrapbooking, but I've embraced the pixels wholeheartedly! I was really surprised at how much scrapbooking digitally pleases me -- instant gratification, anyone?? Not only can you shop at any time of day or night, you get your digital scrapbook embellishments IMMEDIATELY. And you can create a page and have it "done" without having to wait for photos to come back from the developer's lab. Oh my, that is fun!
I've gotten many questions about where I find my digital scrapbook supplies, so I put together this list of online digital scrapbooking shops. Each has its own personality and "flavah," but you'll soon figure out which ones fit your aesthetic the best:
1. Oscraps. This is home to one of my dearest online friends, Jodie McNally, who designs word art. You'll also find digital scrapbook designers like Holliewood Studios, Paislee Press, and Ashalee Wall, all of whom I've purchased from. There's a great blog community and a newsletter, so make sure to sign up for special digital scrapbooking freebies and promotional info.
2. Designer Digitals. If you're looking for the biggest names in scrapbooking, you'll likely find them here. Think Cathy Zielske, Anna Aspnes, and Ali Edwards, and you'll know what I'm talking about. My biggest beef? They don't take Paypal! But they do have awesome tutorials and a new digital embellishment for $.99 every Thursday, so once again make sure to sign up for the newsletter.
3. Jessica Sprague. Not only does Jessica's site offer great digital scrapbooking and digital photography classes, it also includes a fab digital scrapbook store. Another newsletter to make sure to sign up for -- there's One Buck Wednesday!
4. Weeds & Wildflowers. I love this little digi site! It's not little but it SEEMS little, you know what I mean? It's cute and fun and I just love going there and poking around. I can't even remember how I originally found it, but it's one of my faves.
5. Songbird Avenue. Not only are there some awesome digital scrapbooking kits here, each month the store features a benefit kit for a non-profit. February's was to benefit Haiti, and they raised almost $7000! That rocks -- and it allows me to shop guilt-free. :)
I know I've missed a ton -- so share your fave digital scrapbook spots with me, and I'll check 'em out and include them in a future round-up!
Hey! Thanks for the shout out!!
Happy scrappin'
Best to you.
Posted by: Hollie H | 02/25/2010 at 07:22 PM
Oscraps was the first store I purchased digi supplies from...love it! I agree about the guilt free shopping at Songbird Avenue too! My shopping really depends on my scrapping mood...Oscraps, Catscrap, DigiChick and MScraps are faves. Oh, and Sweet Shoppe Designs, Elemental Scraps, Scrap Artist, Two Little Pixels. I could do this all day...there are so many talented designers out there!
Posted by: Kate | 02/25/2010 at 09:03 PM
Oh, I hear you on Designer Digitals... I have a small debit visa card specially for use there! pickleberry pop is an australian site I like, and the digi chick has some good stuff, too (I'm loving a kit from the hybrid chick for my little boy's first birthday in September!)
Posted by: cate | 02/25/2010 at 09:51 PM
I love Designer Digitals. You forgot to mention there are three new freebies (all designed by Katie Pertiet) posted every week as part of their community challenges. AWESOME freebies. And trust me, I'm picky! :P
Also, their sales on Thrifty Thursdays consist of two new items, each priced at 25 cents. :)
Can you tell I'm a fan?!
Posted by: Barb | 02/26/2010 at 12:58 AM
Oops, I think the 25 cent sale at DD is on the weekend... and the Thursday sale is a percentage off a select number of items in the store. I should have checked before clicking the "post" button. ;)
Posted by: Barb | 02/26/2010 at 01:01 AM
Ok, I have to jump in here and say I really like Design House Digital. This entire month they had $1 deals each day for some awesome stuff. Check it out before it ends tonight. Really helped me with LOAD this month as I actually had stuff to pick from and made a couple of digital layouts.
Posted by: Janet Khashab | 02/28/2010 at 08:48 PM
Thanks Nicole for posting or sharing the above list of scrapbooking sites. It's great to learn this scrapbooking.
Posted by: PhilAm | 03/01/2010 at 12:22 AM
Hey...I nominated you for an award over at my blog...go check it out. You earned it.
Posted by: Amelia | 03/02/2010 at 02:01 PM
Those are all great sites! If you haven't been to Two Peas in a Bucket in a while, please visit! There are so many NEW things going on, including an addition to many new artists like Vinnie Pearce and Kenner Road!
I recently created this thread as a place to get started:
Lots of freebies added weekly too to get you started!
Thanks for the opportunity to share!
Posted by: Nicole LeBlanc | 03/06/2010 at 09:11 AM
I love www.scrapbookgraphics.com too :)Thanks for mentioning Songbird - I CT for them - such a great cause!
Posted by: Melissa | 04/01/2010 at 08:10 AM
One of my favorite scrapbooking stores is the Oscraps site - so inspirational. I love the Serendipity design, among others...
Posted by: Invitation Wording | 06/10/2010 at 04:41 PM
Yes, Oscraps was the first store I bought supplies digi ... I love it! I agree about the guilt-free shopping on the avenue Songbird too! My shopping really depends on my mood ...
Posted by: Die machine | 07/17/2010 at 05:11 PM
Oscraps, Catscrap, DigiChick and MScraps are, for sure, faves. Oh, sweet and Designs Shoppe, Elemental Scraps, scrap artist, two Little pixels. I could do this every day ... there are so many talented designers out there!
Posted by: Soaps opera spoilers | 07/22/2010 at 06:08 AM
I hear you on Designer Digitals ... I have a debit card visa small especially for use there! pickleberry pop is an Australian site I like, and the digi chick has some good things, too (I'm loving the girl kit hybrid for my child's first birthday in September!)
Posted by: 50th birthday cakes | 08/02/2010 at 05:48 AM