As a follow-up to yesterday's post on why I DON'T read blogs, I thought I'd introduce you to five blogs I try to never miss. (I've tried to pick blogs that are likely unknown to you... I wouldn't want you all to think you aren't my absolute faves -- which you all are, every single one of you!) These are not "scrapper" blogs -- I'll do a round-up of those soon! Instead, they're the blogs I turn to again and again for a dose of inspiration.
1.Hi from Mary of Owlhaven. The woman has 10 kids!! And she blogs! And cooks! And makes it all seem so totally normal (but she doesn't fall into that "Oh, life is so easy and I'm so wonderful and my life is so perfect" shtick that drives me nuts. She makes it real for her readers. I always find inspiration, whether it's much-needed perspective or a great crab dip recipe.
2. Think Fast. Kim Kesti is an all-around wonderwoman. I met her at a CKC way back when, and just fell in love with her. Her blog is full of organizing ideas, crafty goodness, menus, family stuff, and more. (Did I mention she is preggers with baby #9???). I think I have a thing for living vicariously through other large families!
3. Zen Family Habits. Co-founded by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits fame, ZFH helps those of us with a few more bodies in the beds figure out how to go for simple. Practical and well-written, this blog is my substitute for "Real Simple" magazine (i.e., they don't give me 100 uses for reusing plastic bags, or suggest $150 tools to make my life "easier.").
4. Salt and Chocolate. Mary Beth presents a world full of love, authenticity, and gentleness. She's a working mom of four whose youngest has been battling cancer (in remission now!). Despite what must be a harried life, her blog is a respite of calm and sanity for me, showing what is possible amidst the craziness of life. She helps me realize how to celebrate the ordinary and find the beauty in the common. (She's the one I got the "nature table" idea from!) Mary Beth makes me see what is possible. I think of her home as a little oasis of heaven on earth, one she gives us glimpses into on a regular basis.
5. The Happiest Mom. I thought that was MY title -- until I realized my kids thought I was "Grumpiest Mom" and "Meanest Mom in the Whole World." ;) Meagan Francis writes a thought-provoking blog on what it takes to be fulfilled and content while maintaining your various identities as mom, woman, friend, etc. etc. She writes extremely well, and while her posts are text-heavy, she has created a blog design that doesn't overwhelm me. She's smart, and you can tell, but she doesn't throw it in your face (in other words, you can still understand her posts even if you're running on fumes after a night of vomiting children or past-midnight project completion for your middle schooler).
Your turn! Lay some good blogs on me, folks. I want to know what you're reading!
Thank you for the introduction to such inspiring blogs, Lain! I've not read them except for the Zen Habits one. They look great.
Posted by: Lee | 02/02/2010 at 09:41 AM
I've got a good one I read pretty's
She's a city girl turned ultra country after marrying a wrangler...yes, she calls her hubby the Marlboro man and her kids "punks". Lots of cooking, tidbits of wisdom, info on homeschooling (although she never thought she'd do that!) and photography. Check it out (and do read her back story on the blog--it's great).
Posted by: Janet Khashab | 02/02/2010 at 11:47 AM
Great picks --- I actually switched from reading Zen Habits to Zen Family Habits as I found the content more applicable to my life.
Posted by: Jennifer @ Simple Scrapper | 02/02/2010 at 12:06 PM
Right now the one I go to daily is by Gretchen Rubin. I love to follow her quest for happiness. Always makes me think of how can I be happier.
Posted by: Karen G | 02/02/2010 at 12:26 PM
One I check everyday is Stephanie Nielson was in a horrific plane crash about 1 1/2 years ago, and her story is so inspiring. Her sister wrote while she was first recovering, and when she was able, she took over. She really tells it like it is, when it hurts, when she depressed about what she lost, but she always leans on the love of her family, and, of course, on God. She makes me feel like there is hope for whatever we go through.
Posted by: Michelle Moore | 02/02/2010 at 12:35 PM
Like Karen G, I have recently fallen in love with Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project. Another non-scrapping blog I like is This is another one that is based on a book. She doesn't post as often as I would like, but trust me it is worth the wait as she is hilarious. A must read for anyone over 30.
Posted by: Vicki H | 02/02/2010 at 01:01 PM
I like sharing blogs--here are some of my favorite reads: Enjoy!-Leslie
Posted by: Leslie | 02/02/2010 at 04:16 PM
These all look like really good blogs and I may spend a lot more time reading them this evening! I've also given you links to each of my daughter's blogs. Both love books, crafts, traveling and a lot of other things. I enjoy them (but I'm their mom!) and hope you will also.
Posted by: Sue | 02/02/2010 at 05:53 PM
Funny - I read Kim Kesti's blog "Think Fast" every day too! I also love "The Pioneer Woman" and I bought her cookbook, it's excellent. Ali Edwards, Stacy Julian and Tara Whitney's "Just Be Blogged" are my other favs. (interesting note: my hubby, who can barely find his way around a computer, stumbled on the Pioneer Woman blog the other day and has started making some of her recipes - weird!!)
Posted by: Laurie T | 02/02/2010 at 07:53 PM
Thanks so much for the link!!
Mary, mom to 10
Posted by: owlhaven | 02/02/2010 at 08:51 PM
Thank you so much for linking to me, and that very flattering writeup. Speaking of running on fumes, is it sad to admit I haven't written anything in a few days because I'm so sleep deprived from a LOST addiction that I fear it might just come out as gibberish?
Posted by: Meagan Francis | 02/02/2010 at 09:24 PM
Thanks for the links, Lain! I'm off to Zen Family now. I too feel the void after discovering Real Simple wasn't real cheap.
Posted by: Margy Eastman | 02/02/2010 at 09:42 PM
One of my favorite non-scrapbooking blogs is She does lots of needlework craftiness and occasionally posts recipes. She lives in Portland, OR which is not far from me so I feel a kinship just by being fellow Oregonians.
Posted by: pam | 02/02/2010 at 10:12 PM
Thank you so much for including me, Lain. How very flattering! I'm unfamiliar with most of the other blogs listed here except for Mary of Owlhaven. I was super-inspired by her "30 Days of Nothing" which she did about a year and a half ago. I'll have to check out the other ladies!
Posted by: Mary Beth | 02/02/2010 at 11:25 PM
It's entirely possible that I'm losing my mind...I could have sworn that I linked you to 5 blogs last night. Weird. Anyway...reading one this am that is going to make me late for work. And I don't even care.
Posted by: Katrina | 02/03/2010 at 07:08 AM
I forgot to add this one. Allison Kimball was well known in the scrapbooking world several years ago. she now had a blog where she talks about her family of 8, at least half of whom are adopted. She's also a quilter and a wonderful cook.
Posted by: pam | 02/03/2010 at 09:26 AM
Guess I need to add Allison's blog address. oops
Posted by: pam | 02/03/2010 at 09:27 AM
Awww- you are a sweetie! Thanks for the shout out. I'm loving the new links you left, too. Sweet.
Posted by: Kim Kesti | 02/03/2010 at 09:57 AM
I love all the links Lain!
One blog I always love is Antique Mommy. Read her about bit first to get to know her and her wonderful life story and then dive in! Very inspirational.
Oh, and I have to give a shout out to a fellow Canadian lass who I LOVE. I always do a little happy dance when she shows up in my reader (check out her Halloween series--genius!).
Posted by: canadacole | 02/04/2010 at 07:57 AM
Its very interesting to read which blogs you love.I would like to visit those blogs as all seem very interesting and good..I like that you have shared this with us.Thanks..
Posted by: nintendo ds r4 card | 02/06/2010 at 01:35 AM