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    Ooooo . . . this looks like a really good read! Adding it to my list!

    And I'm sure I found you through Simple Scrapbooks somehow. And I've taken your LOAD challenges from the very beginning. ;) So much fun! Can't wait until February! I'm off to order printer ink and printer paper! lol

    I can't remember how I found your blog but I'm about to do my third LOAD so it was a while ago!!

    When I first looked at ordering this book it wasn't available in the UK, but it is now, so it's on order. Unfortunately I have to wait two weeks.

    I found you through the first LOAD you did at BPS, I think. I did subscribe to simple for it's entire run, so it might have been earlier- not sure. I am doing Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover, and I have this book on reserve at the library so I won't spend $$ on it. I am #38 or something, so I would love to win it! Thanks for the chance!!

    I have heard great things about this book...I found you on twitter.

    It's been a while since I've been by your blog, but I follow you on Twitter ... and we're friends on Goodreads. :) This book looks very interesting!

    Followed you from LOAD on BPS.

    read Ella tweet on twitter

    I think I found you through Write, Click, Scrapbook blog but I was also a Simple Scrapbooks subscriber. This book look very interesting, thanks for the chance to win it.

    You tweeted about it and alas I was hooked!

    Found you through the first LOAD at BPS!

    Wish I could remember. All I know is that it was off another scrap blog.

    LOAD, your Snippets book, or Simple of these most likely though I can't remember which exactly....

    took your classes at bps & then i started reading your blog. sounds like a great book & i'll have to checkout goodreads

    Your Scraphappy podcast. :)

    I found you from clicking on side links from one blog that led me to another blog and eventually to yours.

    This book sounds really interesting and I will have to check out Goodreads and the ScrapHappy book club.

    I can't remember exactly but it must have had something to do with Simple Scrapbooks or my good friend Barb! LOL Never regretted that day though! :)

    I love all the fun giveaways this week... I don't mind being bribed! ;) How did I first find you? Oh, it was so long ago.... didn't you place an ad in the paper? Wasn't it something like, "WANTED: Personal internet stalker. Scrapbooker preferred." Love ya Lain!

    This looks like a great book that I've actually never heard of before. As for how I came across your blog, I believe it was through Wendy Smedley's promoting of Ella on her blog if I remember correctly. At least that's when I started to visit regularly.

    I am a helpless blog surfer which is how I stumbled across your blog. It was so fun that I had to sign up for my first LOAD next month!
    I've been eyeing that book for a while. Looks great.

    I had heard of you before yesterday; but, I came to your blog yesterday via
    Off topic, this is one of those "How do you do it all?" questions. I was reading on here yesterday. I saw that you read about 150 books a year. You scrapbook. You knit. You have a family, etc.. So, I would love to know your secret. : ) Are you one of those people that require little sleep?

    I'm pretty sure I found your blog through Feb LOAD 09. I knew of you before that through SS & BPS, but wasn't much of a blog person waaayyyy back then.

    I'd love this book, by the way. I visit her blog every so often and plan to buy it when I'm home in Feb if I don't win it today. Fingers crossed!!

    What a fun book! I found you a loooong time ago when you wee featured on the Simple Blog, or when you were the mag's featued artist=one of those. Have a good day!

    Can't really remember how I found "you". Although surely it was through Simple Scrapbooks somehow. I'm a long time reader and a long time fan. And I'm loving your new 5 Things.

    This book looks fabulous! I think I found your blog linked from another blog and I LOVE your 5 things format!

    I found you through a link on Write.Click.Scrapbook many moons ago, and I've been hooked ever since. You rock!

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