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    Thanks for the link to the wine cork board. My wife has been collecting wine corks since we got married 7 years ago. Now we have boxes and kitchen drawers full of corks. I told her that if she didn't do something with them I would throw them away, but now she can make a thousand corkboards!

    (maybe we drink too much...)

    If we must be organized, we might as well be organized with cuteness! Floral Delight just made it onto my project list. And that Family Size Spectacle? I love oversized initials, and my kids are definitely old enough to start organizing and displaying their own homework and assignments.

    Although I like bulletin boards, I much prefer magnets. They're much safer to fiddle with than thumbtacks. ;)

    Thanks for this post. I love these ideas. I have a little desk with an overhead cabinet in my kitchen. The inside of the cabinet doors have a little lip around them, like a frame. I want to put cork board inside the lip to hang a calendar and notes, etc.
    I like that fabric one too.

    right now i have a metal basket that collects all the household paperwork - and it desperately needs a sorting-through! I love these board ideas (i've got an old frame just like that last one - now I just need to find cork!

    Great shares, Lain! I really love the ones with the initials :)

    Sadly, we do nothing for paperwork. It ends up on the island between kitchen and computer room, I go though it on the weekends, recycle what I can, throw some, pay some and put the rest back on the island :o) It's a bad system... I think I might need one of these bulletin boards!

    OM Goodness Lain - I just spent most of last weekend organizing my pantry (labeling EVERYTHING) and my cupboards. Sadly though - I still do not have a plan for paperwork. And I need to get one because it gets out of control fast. I am putting together a cool magnet board to use for notes. Here's my plan - I have an old windowpane I got at a garage sale years ago. I whitewashed it and now I'm going to paint the panes with magnetic, black paint to turn it into a memo board. I already picked up fun, flower magnets and plan to not only hang notes but also pictures. I'll try to post a pic once it's done! :)

    I stack my paper. Move it to a new location when people come over. Then eventually I throw it away. : )

    Ironic that you posted this.... I was headed to the craft store to buy fabric for the $2 clearance (ugly) corkboards I bought the kids. I was going to cover the cork with fabric, stapling it all around. Then I was going to run coordinating ribbon all the way around the inside of the frame to cover the staples. I stole this idea, I'm not that good. If I can find the link where I found it I'll let you know.

    2 years ago I made one of those French Memo boards with the ribbon tacked down on it. It sits right above my computer work desk. Lovely. AND it was really simple: MDF, some burlap, ribbon, those cool looking nail tacks and a staple gun.

    AND would you believe that I have MADE one of those WINE corkboards before. I saw it in a one of those Airmail magazines from Wine Spectator. I ordered the kit and got to work. It was a gift for my dad. We, um, drink a lot of wine. What can I say, we're Italian!! ha! Mine was made by rotating the orientation of the corks as you worked your way around the board. Very cool end result.

    I made a bulletin board using a 12x12 piece of sheet metal (had hubby bring home scraps from work and cut and grind to size) covered with cute patterned paper, edged with ribbon and hung with ribbon (he punched holes in the top corners). Then I used coordinating papers to make magnets to match. It was a present for my great neice for Christmas 2 years ago. I have to credit Kollette Hall for the idea and instructions from her first Giving Well class at BPS.

    Bills I put on the fridge by magnet, in date order of when they need to be paid. Then I also have 2 in-trays on the kitchen bench - the top one is for general paperwork and receipts that I want/need to file. The bottom one is for current grocery catalogs

    I have a basket that sits at the edge of my office and the hallway (on the way from the front door to the kitchen) that is a catch all for mail. For school papers, I use the good 'ole hang it on the fridge technique. I have several magnetic clips - each kid gets one. For schoolwork that I want to keep I have a drawer in my kitchen island where it's stored until I figure out if I really want to do anything with it. I'm taking Stacy Julian's Library of Memories class so soon I will have an official home for that sort of stuff!

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