Goals, goals, goals!
1. Working out - yep. I really think I'm starting to see a bit of difference. A pair of pants that were too tight on Black Friday (I bought them without trying them on - bad Dobby!) are still too tight, but less too tight, if you know what I mean.
2. Reading with Cal - Four of five this week. I'll do one this weekend to make up for the day I missed M-F.
3. Destashing - Sent a box to the Jamaica fund. :) Will get another box going.
4. Finishing books - lots of progress!
5. Photo a day - Not so good. Since we're moving on Tuesday, we haven't decorated yet, so I'm having trouble finding "Christmassy" things to photograph. But I'll get better, I promise!
And you???
Lain, you're moving again? Where to now - not far I hope - you just moved in!
Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Laurie T | 12/12/2009 at 02:35 PM
Moving? Really? Now that I have your package actually ready to go out the door! Best of luck, can't wait to see pics of the new place :)
Posted by: Lee | 12/12/2009 at 03:32 PM
Moving right before the holidays must be a bit stressful. You're doing great on your goals; I'm impressed. If I were moving that's probably the only thing that would be getting done. When you have time, I'd love to know what you thought about Organizing for the Spirit. It's been on my "to read" list for quite some time. Thanks.
Posted by: Karen | 12/12/2009 at 05:25 PM
moving again? still in boston? that has to be rough. i have read the total money makeover - it is good. i just need to find the discipline to stick to his plan - i would like to see " debt free" in my future - so that i could figure out what comes next. thanks for sharing pieces of you.
Posted by: Kimberly | 12/12/2009 at 09:39 PM
Lain, you're doing so well! Doing all that and getting ready to move, too? You go, girl!
Posted by: Michelle Moore | 12/12/2009 at 10:17 PM
Wow, moving just before Christmas! That's a tough one. What's happening? You don't like your little friends the mice anymore? ;P Congrats on keeping it up on most fronts. :) I haven't done my weekly review for my first week of photo-a-day but I plan to very soon. Birthday parties, snow storm and tentative Christmas preps are taking their toll. but I've been dutifully taking the pictures though. :)
Posted by: Nathalie (famille1999) | 12/12/2009 at 10:36 PM
Moving??? Again?
Posted by: AnnieB | 12/13/2009 at 06:27 PM
wow !!can't believe that you are moving right before Christmas. Best of luck
Posted by: Jersey Girl Anne | 12/14/2009 at 11:22 PM