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    In our house, we are anxiously anticipating all our kids getting home. A son came in on Monday, another son will be in this afternoon, and my daughter and her husband will be in tomorrow. I am so thankful that they are all able to be home for Christmas.

    In our house are two yellow lab girls who are trying their best to snatch any holiday goodies off the counter that Mommy forgets to put away. After losing whole batches of cookies, muffins, cornbread, chocolate cake, etc., Mommy is remembering more often to clear the counters!

    In our house we will celebrate Jesus' birth; grieve over the loss of my dear mom and miss her in all we do; and play, laugh, talk, hug, and enjoy being together!

    In our house we are thankful for the blessings of family and friends, a warm house, good jobs, cars to drive, and good food to eat.

    In our house, I'm dreaming of a white Christmas--one that we won't get. We don't get much snow here, but I always wish for it at Christmas. The rest of the winter I can do without it, thank you! I'd like the stuff better if it wasn't so ... frozen!

    I'm glad you've escaped the barn and its critter residents! May you have a very merry (and critter-free)Christmas. God's blessings on you and your family.

    Lain, these photos show us all that you are focusing your energy where it needs to be: on your family, the holiday, what you have in your life. Not the rotten house. :) I once had to break a lease and there was a clause in there that said I had the right to "Quiet Enjoyment" of my property (it's a common clause here in MI)....don't know if your lease or state is the same, but I think you certianly qualify to leave because you weren't getting any Quiet or any Enjoyment!!! :) Good Luck.

    I'm hunkering down for the season and counting my blessings. :) It's the best way to be.

    Oh my! Best of luck with the move and with your new house. I am sending vibes!

    Yes, moving quickly was a brilliant decision!

    Enjoy your family this Christmas, in your new house! Merry Christmas!

    Looks like the move was a great decision! Your next book can be about your mouse adventures though. It should only take a year or 5 to seem funny instead of stressful. I'm sure your girls will have fond memories of your sleepover. Congrats to Ben on his wins and his talent. Hope you can enjoy the holidays with your sweet family!

    Oh my... it was really time that you got out of that house. I posted my pictures for last week yesterday. I've managed to get to Christmas on time even if I had to leave a couple of things on the sides to get there. Now I plan on relaxing a bit and get some scrapping done. :)

    Oh your Candyland pieces are so much nicer than ours ... ours are just little token thingies, not cute little gingerbread men

    That game is 10 years old! Im surprised we still have the pieces.

    Sent from my iPhone

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