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    Lain, wishing you the best with your move. I know that the timing is taxing, but it is for the best.

    Blessings, Sudie

    Wow! On the mice and the move. It will be stressful but I am sure you and your family will feel much better in a new home minus the furry "friends". Best of Luck on your move! : )

    Oh dear! You poor thing! I know your sense of adventure and wonderful humour will carry you and the rest of the family through. Think of it as giving your family a new home for Christmas rather than looking at the things you might miss because of the move.

    I would have been out the door the first week. Good luck with your move!!

    We moved into our house a few weeks ago and had an exterminator come out...he did find mouse droppings but either they were old, or we have driven them off. I've never seen one here, thankfully. I totally think that you were right to move.

    Oh, so you were the other Republicans in California! :) Really, there are more - it's just harder to find them!

    Good luck with the move Lain! I sure hope that the new house won't come with hidden (or maybe not so well hidden) surprises! At least you know that if Santa's cookies are nibbled on on the morning of the 25th, the mice won't be responsible! ;P

    Just make sure you don't take any stowaways. We moved one in from our garage, thanks to some birdseed stored there. I'm still finding sunflower seed shells! (but we caught the one lil bugger).

    Good luck! You poor thing. I feel terrible for you and your family.

    Oh. My. Gosh. I cannot believe you lasted 6 months. I HATE MICE WITH A PASSION!!! I'm so sorry. And I'm glad you are outtathere!

    Barn cat. Nice, hungry barn cat.

    - daney

    Good luck with your move! You didn't say where you were moving to. Are you fleeing Mass??? Won't it be wonderful with a mice-free house for Christmas?! Take care and take all the time from blogging that you need to move your family and get settled!

    Take a DEEP breath, and wave "Bye!" to those mice!
    When we moved into our house, it had been empty for six months. The mice had been having a fine time! We put out a LOT of mouse poison, and that was it. Now we have several (outside) cats, so they stay away.

    Where ya goin'??? I don't need an actual address--LOL--but would hate that you'd leave our wonderful commonwealth! Although, as a Maine native, I'd recommend that state as well--you'll find more conservatives up there too! Good luck with the move--I know a mouse-free house will be the best Christmas gift! Merry Christmas!

    Eh, gads, Lain! How horrible to be plagued by mice and to have to move the week before Christmas. Good luck to you and your family!

    Hey, at least you found somewhere else you could move! It could have been a lot longer than a six month lease as well :-) Hang in there! With your sense of humor, you can make it through a move right before Christmas! You're pretty darn talented too! :-) *I'm starting to realize I use way too many smilies in my writing!*

    Eek! Would you like to borrow my kitties for awhile? They used to be great mousers...when they were allowed outside. Now that they stay indoors there aren't mice for them to play with :o(

    Oh, my. I wouldn't have lasted 24 hours.

    Best of luck with the move, and here's to a rodent-free Holiday!

    Good luck with the move and here's to a nice restful sleep for you all!

    Thats a very good reason to move!!!Our taxes in NJ are terrible and our car insurance is crazy. So I know how you feel!!!

    Good luck with the move! Although, Calif has a very liberal reputation, it has some surprisingly very conservative areas. You just chose the wrong area. Though Nor. Calif has some other very redeeming qualities regardless of political affiliation! ;)

    Oh you poor thing .. good luck with the move

    Wait until you hear the flying mouse story on the blog tomorrow...

    Lain Ehmann
    CEO, Ella Publishing Co.
    Memorable reads for memory keepers.
    [email protected]

    Mice. I remember hearing them in the walls in my old place. Still have to deal with them from time to time. Ugh! I hope things get better. The lil nasty rascals. LOL.

    whoa... I totally missed this! until I read a recent post about sleeping on the floor in your new house and I was like, what? lain moved! shocked! okay, is it weird that I said all that and we don't "know" eachother? eeks. I promise I'm not as pesty as those pesky mice! seriously, 51???? that's more than enough to send ME packing! my goodness!

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