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    Makes me wish I knew how do to more than the knit stitch in the round on a pair of circular needles :)! I did buy a book to learn how to knit socks though, maybe I will move on to this one,once I master that! Adorable projects.

    I love knitting baby stuff, even though I am done with babies ;) Such quick and satisfying projects! Thanks for the heads up on this beautiful book. I did get a knitting book to review once that just wasn't worth it, and I felt bad about it (I never did get another book to review...hmmm). BTW, snow and rain are some other 4-letter words. Just sayin' :D Merry Christmas and hope your move goes well!

    It sucks when sewing books have instructions that don't work, too. Especially when blogs who receive review copies say things like "I tweaked the directions a little bit to make this work" instead of "beginner beware - do not purchase this if you want to keep your sanity!"
    I used to receive review copies when I scheduled book-signings at a bookstore (among my other duties). I wish I'd had a blog then because the reviews were wasted on my staff!

    What a cute sounding book ... but i must not pick up another addiction (I mean hobby)!

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