Today Ella Publishing Co. announced its latest eBook: A Year in the Life: Scrapbook your year in 24 simple layouts! Here are five reasons you will love this eBook:
1. It's created by all (23, in fact!) of your fave Simple Scrapbooks designers, who are now part of the Write.Click.Scrapbook. collective.
2. It includes 24 layouts, two per month, that will allow you to get your year's photos in your scrapbook quickly and easily.
3. It includes paper and digi layouts, so there's something for everyone (unless you prefer carving your scrapbook layouts in paraffin tablets. Then you'll have to look elsewhere.)
4. It includes 174 photos.
5. Most of the pages are two-page spreads!
(Oh, and yes, there is a layout from me. :). And I wrote it, with editing by Angie, so it's really clever and witty.)
Details: $6.99, 30 pages... and lots of fun! Click the image below (or above!) to buy.

Okay, you convinced me. This is actually a great idea!
Posted by: MaryC | 12/15/2009 at 12:51 PM
Oh yes!!
Posted by: Ann | 12/16/2009 at 11:35 AM
Sorry to interrupt, but aren't you supposed to be moving this week??? I can't wait to hear about the farewell party the mice through in your honor... (-:
Posted by: Wintam | 12/19/2009 at 08:26 AM
Got it! Love it!
Posted by: Gab | 12/22/2009 at 04:58 AM