Looking for some good ole' fashioned procrastination? Here you go! (Note: I do not recommend trying to do all of these in one sitting. Your brain may explode.)
1. Typing test. I always wondered how fast I was! (My high score is 78).
2. Myers-Briggs Jungian Typology test. I'm an ENTJ. How about you?
3. What American Accent Do You Have test. I'm a Californian, dude. Totally.
4. Hugh Jackman Trivia test. Interspersed with photos. GREAT time suck, especially when you count wiping-drool-away minutes.
5. 80's Rock Lyrics test. This will bring back memories and have you tappng your toes and humming under your breath to grab hold of that elusive song lyric. (I scored 87, ranking "Pop Junky.")
Got any good time-wasting online tests? Share 'em!
I did the 80's music test, and didn't do nearly as well as you, it is so hard for me when spelling counts. I did think is was cool when I read some of the answers I didn't get and the song started playing in my head......
Posted by: Maureen | 12/15/2009 at 09:04 AM
Thanks Lain... I would like to know what KIND if crazy I am. And as for online timewasters.... have you heard of this thing called Facebook? lol I can also spend a lot of time on Goodreads and iTunes.
Posted by: Abbie | 12/15/2009 at 09:55 AM
ESFJ here! And I type 96 WAM with 96% accuracy. How weird is that, with both scores a 96?? Have a great day, Lain. I look forward to your "Five Things" each day!
Posted by: KarenP | 12/15/2009 at 11:29 AM
Where do you find this cool stuff?
Posted by: Jennifer Louden | 12/15/2009 at 03:28 PM
ISFJ - but then I already knew that!
Posted by: Carmel Keane | 12/15/2009 at 04:58 PM
Funny, my accent is "Inland North"! I was born in WI but pretty much raised in the Pacific NW! And boy, when I come back from visiting family there (or if one of my brothers comes and visit me) I certainly talk the way they do for a few weeks!
Posted by: Ann | 12/16/2009 at 01:26 AM
okay, okay . . . Lain, you slay me! I have just caught this post on my reader, and I've now spent the last hour of my life remembering old favorites that I now HAVE to just add to my ipod! LMAO! My husband is so annoyed with my horrible singing voice, but I can't help but enjoy every one of these as even if I didn't remember them for the quiz, I was reminded of them after. I did pretty darn well, though. :-)
Posted by: April | 12/17/2009 at 12:11 AM
so cool! I didn't realize the MBTI was available on line ... I've taken that many times ... and I don't change ... INTJ ... after all these years :-) (now I need to take the song challenge!!)
Posted by: Dalon | 12/17/2009 at 02:25 AM
The accent one was fun. It totally pegged my accent - in that I'm a Midlander and don't have an accent. It also says I have a good voice for radio and TV.
Posted by: S | 12/22/2009 at 08:34 PM