I'm a devoted podcast listener. I spend a lot of time in the car, and when I'm driving I listen to my podcasts or books on CD. Far superior to listening to my kids fighting (or some commercial-laden oldies station!).
I listen to dozens of podcasts, but these are the five must-listens for creative moms (note: these are all audio podcasts. I'll do another post on the videocasts, or vidcasts, that I recommend):
1. The Accidental Creative. Todd Henry puts into words what most creative types know intuitively. He talks about setting limits so you can create freely, devising routines that support your creative habits, and more.
2. The Creative Mom Podcast. I've been listening to this show since the very beginning. The host, Amy, has a beautiful radio voice and a calming way of addressing even the perplexing topics of creating, raising kids, and balance. Book reviews, ATC exchanges, and more.
3. Vicky and Jen: What Really Matters. These two ladies crack me up! I listened to a lot of parenting/mom/homemaker podcasts before I discovered this one. They are so funny, and play off each other really well. Always positive, always entertaining! More about "mom-ing" than "creating," with topics like organizing, cooking, etc.
4. Ready to Learn Mom. Stacey Kannenberg is about the bubbliest radio host in the business. I wasn't sure what to expect with this podcast, because she is the author of a series of get-ready-for-school workbooks, and I thought the podcast would be about education. While there is an element of readin', writin', and 'rithmetic, it's mostly about female entrepreneurship. Great conversations with interesting women, if you can get past the host's tendency to refer to herself in the third person.
5. Craftypod. The first craft podcast, and the benchmark by which all others will be measured! Sister DG (Diane) rocks the mike with a made-for-radio voice, and her choice of topics and music can't be beat. She hits everything from the indie craft movement to why scrapbooking gets no lovin' (that one was with yours truly!). She also is a superb interviewer, never failing to ask the question I would ask if I had the mike in my hand. I have had the pleasure of meeting Diane in person, and will also be reviewing her books in an upcoming post!
I'm always looking for more recommendations... what are your favorite podcasts? Share!
Thanks for the list Lain, now to figure out how to get them on my iPod ;)
Posted by: Lee | 11/06/2009 at 09:39 AM
um, I think you forgot one that should have been on your list!...scraphappy :-)
Posted by: Debra | 11/06/2009 at 10:42 AM
Thanks for these, Lain. You know, the only podcast I've every listened to is yours. :) I have to listen on my computer because I don't have an Ipod *gasp* lol!
Posted by: Rebecca | 11/06/2009 at 08:45 PM
Thanks for this list -- I've been in a podcast rut so I'm going to try all of these out this week!
Posted by: Wendy | 11/08/2009 at 01:44 PM
I love Manic Mommies because they amuse me to no end. http://manicmommies.com/
I'm also partial to the Dennis Miller Show, not only for the humor but also because it keeps me informed on politics. (The show leans conservative, btw.) http://www.dennismillerradio.com/
Posted by: Angela | 11/13/2009 at 11:48 AM